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USB-2.0 is likely to dominate...

Has anyone tried USB-2.0 yet?  I did, It's even faster than Firewire and it's more commonly built-in in most of the Intel and Mac based motherboard.  USB-2.0's speed is now fast enough to do multi-media like video and sound making, in which USB-10 is lagging.  However, Fireware is gonna come out with its new version too which it claimed to be faster than USB-2.0 but as far as standability, USB-2.0 may have already had a strong hold in it though.
USB 2.0 lacks of peer to peer connectivity (USB is working on this feature soon).  In terms of technology, firewire is much more advance and stable.  The next version of firewire (IEEE 1394b) will be 800 Mbps, which is faster than USB 2.0 (400 Mbps).  I tried both USB 2.0 and firewire.  Firewire has less overhead; thus, more efficient in file transfer.
Thank you for your input, WooWoo.  You are right on the faster speed and less overhead of the coming newer version of Firewire than USB 2.0.  However the domination of a production in the market's sector is greatly depending on how popularly the product is gonna be adopted by the manufacturers.  It can be seen that almost every Intel and Mac based motherboards sold in the market come built-in with either USB 1.0 or USB 2.0, in which Firewire will have a hard time to play the catch-up game.  This is just like the IDE's edging over SCSI in the hard-disk connectivity market, in which SCSI on every aspect comes on the top of IDE but IDE has grabbed the dominant place except in the area of network servers.
Yes, you are right.  It's because USB is cheaper to make.  However, the quality of USB product (especially USB 2.0) is questionable.  A lot of manufactures don't follow the USB-IF standard.  I've seen some weird things happen to USB device.  Of course, price is always the major factor for consumers and that's why USB has a bigger adoption.  For video transfer, however, firewire will still dominate due to its efficiency.
Firewire and USB are targeting different market.  Firewire is good for big data transfter and  the advantage of USB (1.0 or 2.0) is the price and it's commonly available to many computer and device.  But it consumes CPU resource when data is transfer thru USB. (I got the USB 2.0 Orange Mirco web cam and return it for the Firewire since the CPU load is always 80%+, while the firewire one stays at 30% w/ smoother video).  For device like mouse, joypad, scanner, card reader, I perfer USB for it's price.  But for DV, external harddrive, external DVD-R/CD-R, web cam, firewire still the best option.
In fact it is dominating
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » USB-2.0 is likely to dominate...

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