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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 2006-08年利物浦Adidas新波衫
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Much debate has raged in recent months over what Liverpool’s new kit, from adidas will turn out to look like since it was confirmed that the German manufacturers’ purchase of Reebok would relinquish the latter’s tenure as the Reds’ kit maker.

A number of authentic-looking colour design spec-sheets, allegedly leaked from the sportswear giants’ head quarters, have been doing the rounds over the last couple of weeks supposedly detailing the new home and away shirt, which is due this summer.

But the first real photos, depicting actual assembled garments broke on eBay a few days ago having been ‘acquired’ by an unknown source, which claimed them to be the ‘rumoured’ new Liverpool home and away shirt.

Since LFC Online discovered the listings, the items have been removed by eBay, however we were able to gain the images of each shirt before they disappeared.

The red home and the yellow away jersey seem to be variants of the popular official designs that have been subject to vigorous debate on Internet forums across the Liverpool online community, and appear to possess authentic adidas tags.

Speaking to a fashion designer insider, they told LFC Online that in terms of the design process, adidas would have probably narrowed down its numerous initial design ideas into a final three of four that would have gained the green light to be manufactured into actual test garments. The two shirts found on eBay could be just a pair of a number of other versions of the shirt that exist – and have either been leaked deliberately (perhaps like the design drawings) by adidas officials, or put into the public domain by unscrupulous adidas employees.

Whether these shirts prove to be the real deal, remains to be seen as recent marketing images circulating were exposed as a suspected April Fools day prank demonstrates that you can’t be sure of anything until adidas’ official press release hits the desk.

A spokesperson at addias refused to comment on the images of the strips but be sure to keep your eyes peeled on LFC Online for updates as we will let you know as soon as the official seal is stamped onto proceedings.

Source: http://www.lfconline.com/news/loadfeat.asp?cid=EDZ2&id=278880

Adidas Catalogue for pre-ordering

[ Last edited by michaelyip.com on 2006-4-20 at 05:43 PM ]
Originally posted by michaelyip.com at 2006/4/20 17:41:
thank you
but this one is very ugly
又復古....悶左d wor
what the...it looks like Nike Design....

講真nike波3靚過 adidas
Originally posted by abc123aa at 2006-4-20 08:07 PM:
總係唔慣唔係REBOOK 既利物浦
一生一世支持多蒙特,Support u forever Borussia Dortmund
Originally posted by lookityourself at 2006-4-20 08:10 PM:

總係唔慣唔係REBOOK 既利物浦
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 2006-08年利物浦Adidas新波衫

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