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(BBC News) 英球壇貪污案, 警方搵哈利列納等人協助調查

英國警方繼續跟進球壇貪污案, 並且搵樸茨茅夫領隊哈利列納 (60 歲), 行政總裁史杜利同埋曾經係樸茨茅夫主席, 宜家已經係李斯特城班主既文達歷 (69 歲) 等人協助調查, 球員方面就有現時外借往格流既查爾頓中場安迪菲爾 (30 歲).

警方調查緊由經紀 Willie McKay 經手既交易 -- 安迪菲爾由法甲歐塞爾轉會樸茨茅夫, 之後再轉投紐卡素既事. 警方亦透露, 佢地搵左 5 個人就共謀詐騙同做假數等事宜協助調查, 年齡分別係 69, 60, 55, 48 同 30 歲, 其中 69 歲既更懷疑有洗黑錢.

哈利列納同埋史杜利否認事件同佢地有直接關係, 只係向警方提供資料, 並表示會繼續同警方合作. 至於文達歷亦表示會全力同警方配合. 幾個月前, 英國警方已分別往紐卡素, 樸茨茅夫同格流等球會進行調查. 睇黎受牽連既人會越來越多了 ......

BBC -- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7118432.stm
相關資料 -- 懷疑有問題既轉會 http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthr ... p;page=1#pid2196823
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Redknapp denies corruption link

Portsmouth manager Harry Redknapp has said a police inquiry into alleged corruption in football "doesn't directly concern me".

He was one of a group of five men arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and false accounting.

City of London Police have said all five men have been released on bail until February.

Among those arrested were Portsmouth's chief executive Peter Storrie and the club's former chairman Milan Mandaric.

Another of those who were held is understood to be Charlton player and Senegalese international Amdy Faye, currently on loan to Rangers.

The City of London Police inquiry is believed to be centred around the transfer of Mr Faye to Portsmouth from the French club Auxerre, and from Portsmouth to Newcastle, deals set up by agent Willie McKay.

Inquiries help

Mr Redknapp, 60, said: "We all helped the police with their inquiries, but it doesn't directly concern me, it's other people involved.

"I've been answering questions to help the police. I am not directly concerned with their inquiries.

"They have to arrest you to talk to you, for you to be in the police station. I think that's the end of it, it didn't directly concern me."

Paul Martin, the solicitor representing Mr Redknapp and Mr Storrie, said: "The inquiries do not relate to either of those individuals. They relate to entirely different individuals."

A spokesman for Mr Mandaric, 69, said the Leicester City chairman would "continue to offer his full and total support to the police".

Police said the arrested men were aged 69, 60, 55, 48 and 30 and had been questioned over conspiracy to defraud and false accounting.

The 69-year-old was also held on suspicion of money laundering, a spokesman said.

Previous arrests

Detectives from the economic crime unit of the City of London Police are investigating allegations of corruption within football and its impact on owners and shareholders.

In July, officers raided Newcastle United, Portsmouth and Rangers football clubs as part of the inquiry.

A spokesman for Portsmouth said on Wednesday the club's chief executive and manager had "been asked to help police with their inquiries concerning a matter dating back to 2003" prior to the new owner taking control of the club in 2006.

He added the club was "fully supportive of Peter and Harry".

Rangers FC have confirmed that a player was arrested in a matter "totally unrelated" to the club.

The latest arrests bring the total number of people detained in connection with the investigation to seven.

In September, a 28-year-old man was arrested in London and in May, a 61-year-old man was arrested in Manchester on suspicion of money laundering.

A separate inquiry conducted last year by former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lord Stevens highlighted concerns over 17 player transfers and five Premier League clubs.

[ Last edited by terencey on 2007-11-30 at 12:31 AM ]


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