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NBA Playoffs Predictions?

List your first-round predictions! Mine are:
Lakers 4-2 Thunder
Mavericks 4-3 Spurs
Suns 4-1 Trail Blazers
Nuggets 4-2 Jazz

Cavaliers 4-1 Bulls
Magic 4-0 Bobcats
Atlanta 4-1 Bucks
Celtics 4-2 Heat

Is it possible to have a full bracket prediction thing running?
本帖最後由 zeroviva0 於 2010-4-17 11:19 PM 編輯

I agree with u that Mav vs Spur will be very exciting.
Mav is stronger this year.  Hope they can proceed to next level.

I'm a big fan of Sun, but 4-1 seems underestimate trailblazer. 4-2, I think.Also I think Bobcat and  Bull are not that bad.

I open a voting for the champion.  Wanna vote?

Lakers 4-1 Thunder
Mavericks 4-2 Spurs
Suns 4-2 Trail Blazers
Nuggets 4-3 Jazz

Cavaliers 4-0 Bulls
Magic 4-1 Bobcats
Atlanta 4-1 Bucks
Celtics 4-3 Heat
Cleveland Cavaliers will win it all
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA Playoffs Predictions?

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