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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » Zune即將出爐啦~~~, 唔知掂唔掂呢...?
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Zune即將出爐啦~~~, 唔知掂唔掂呢...?

Dude you're getting a Zune!

The iPod has a new enemy in town, with an official release date of Nov. 14 in the USA and a $249.99 price tag. The Microsoft Zune opens a new market of "social" music connectivity. See more at the Zune/iPod comparison chart Zune photo gallery and store.

WMA, MP3, AAC, JPEG,WMV, MPEG-4, H.264 media playback
Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g) connectivity
30 GB Hard Drive
3 inch video LCD 320x240
White, Black, and Brown Colors
FM Radio
Dedicated song download site zune.net
Podcast playback
Updateable Firmware
Tested 13 hr battery life for audio, 4 hr video
3 day playback of Wi-Fi transfered songs from friends
XBOX streaming
XBOX (Microsoft) points compatability
Preloaded music videos
Over a dozen accessories at launch
5.6 ounces in weight, 4.4 x 2.4 x 0.58 inches size
Metric: 158 g, 112 x 61 x 14.7 mm size
Custom background images
WiFi transfer of photographs
Tag based storage system (Will not appear as drive)
PC Compatability (no Mac client at launch)
Zune tag enabled
Horizontal and vertical video orientation


frontzune2.jpg (13.6 KB)
346 x 298 PIXEL下載

looks like Microsoft try to beat MAC with this one
but personally I think it will fail cause SANDISK experience
The Best
i like the screen, look like is big than ipod
but i still think ipod will be better
The Best
Originally posted by arlesonson at 2006-11-9 03:24 PM:
Dude you're getting a Zune!

對不起, 你可否用中文解釋一下, 我看不明

還有我想問香港幾時有得買 ?
i saw it is already selling la, i want it ar!!!!!!!
to be truth, i think this product from m$ is nice and the price set is quite appropriate.
However, the design is OBVIOUSLY copied from ipod. Only the function is more powerful, like FM and wifi (actually WIFI can only be use to share photos, not the music !!!!)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » Zune即將出爐啦~~~, 唔知掂唔掂呢...?

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