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西方遊客: 中國女仔對性比較開放

Although the "Once You've Gone Black" line is a stereotype, there does appear to be some truth to it. I know many Chinese females who really only date white guys after first giving it a "try". I also know many Chinese males who are sexually addicted to watching Chinese women perform for white/black men whether thru videos, magzines or in real life as a voyuer or cuckold. Please give us your thoughts as to the reasons behind this sexual behavioral pattern in Chinese males and females. Here are some thoughts to consider.

1.) Chinese women become a part of Western social culture. After being with a white man, they hang out with western friends, appreciate western art and music and become a part of the culture where they are socially comfortable. A persons' culture can be as strong as any instinctual trait.

2.) White/Black males are more sexual and have a stronger sexual prowess than men of Asi a. Additionally, they have larger sex organs (on average). There is a strong sexual desire for the alpha male. In other words, a need to breed with the stronger male that is deep rooted in human development.

3.) Chinese women become sexually submissive to white males as they succomb to their stronger nature.

4.) There is a feeling of shame to some degree in that a Chinese female will not be fully accepted back into the Chinese social circles after their contemporaries know they have been sexual with a white/black man. This rings true even louder when a bi-racial child is involved.

5.) Chinese men who have a submissive need relaize all of the points above and never really tire of watching this association. It gives them a feeling of helplessness that is indescribable. In fact, this is so true that I would be willing to bet that Chinese males buy memberships more often than women or white men at virtually any interracial web site. Even those that focus on dating service and encounters!!!

[ Last edited by bwk0317 on 2007-10-14 at 11:36 PM ]
lol where did you find this article?
I am not sure wats the percentage of A. females fall for white/black males bcoz of the dick size and performance. But I know many black/white dudes are married to chinee females that looks ugly as fuk to us....dat I m kinda appreciate they take out the bads.....lol
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » 西方遊客: 中國女仔對性比較開放

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