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first exam for my refereeing

Referee Name: H. Lee
Match/Grade: Lugarno vs Carss Park/ 18 years
Ground/ Time: Gannon 4/ 3.00pm
Referee/Assessor: Tom Lillns

A. Personal Qualities
Appearance-Uniform  --  Good
B. On Field (Personality) Appearance
#demeanor, confident, relaxed -- Good
#attitude to major decisions -- Good
#attitude to players/officials -- Good
C. Movement Around Field
#positioning -- Satisfactory
D. Refereeing/Overall Control of Game -- Good
Proper use of interchange/Substitution -- Very Good/Excellent
Use of Advantage Rule -- Good
Foul Identification -- Good
Restart Play -- Good
Discipline/Cautions/Send-Offs -- N/A
Whistle Tone -- Good
Communication with Assistant Referees -- Good
Hand Signals -- Satisfactory

Comments: When you make a decision, get away. Don't debate it with the players. The raised arm Indirect Free Kick position is not to be used to tell the wall to wait for the whistle. Your positional part of the game was good. Although the game was quiet, you still had to control. OVERALL. WELL DONE.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!

great save!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!

1. 唔係rumours or gossip
2. 入manu版又變左剩係得manu fans討論

雖然係為左避免開唔同球會o既post, 但起碼依個唔係吹水post呀(吹完就走)
我黎啦~ ~ HIHI ~~ ~~ 喂喂 ............. 喂?  喂?? 咁 ...即係点??

有冇人可以答我叫我入黎做乜   .............. 我10点走頭架la


原帖由 也媽嗲 於 2008-7-18 04:21 PM 發表
我黎啦~ ~ HIHI ~~ ~~ 喂喂 ............. 喂?  喂?? 咁 ...即係点??

原帖由 也媽嗲 於 2008-7-18 09:13 PM 發表
有冇人可以答我叫我入黎做乜   .............. 我10点走頭架la
HK time?
Sydney Time?
UK Time?!!!!!!!!
原帖由 也媽嗲 於 18-7-2008 21:13 發表
有冇人可以答我叫我入黎做乜   .............. 我10点走頭架la

[ 本帖最後由 Edgar_Davids 於 2008-7-18 09:40 PM 編輯 ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 『體育版閒談互相交流區。』

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