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Originally posted by netsee at 2005-4-9 11:42 PM:
I think Kings know how to play with Dallas in playoff. I remember Kings only lost to Dallas because chris webber got injuried in playoff
我之前都係咁想, 但 DALLAS 換左教頭後非常重視防守, 走勢強勁。
如果 kings playoff 首圈就要對住一支識防守0既 DALLAS,
HOUSTON (Ticker) - Veteran Houston Rockets forward Juwan Howard will not be back
this season.

Howard on Thursday confirmed a report in the Houston Chronicle on Wednesday
night that he will not play again this campaign due to a viral infection in his

Howard, who has been on the injured list since March 18 with a sprained right
MCL, had hoped to return for the playoffs. However, doctors told him that he
will not be cleared to play because he developed viral myocarditis.

According to newspaper, the infection will bar Howard from physical activity for
four to six months. Training camp for the 2005-06 season begins in approximately
six months.

"I have been working very hard the past three weeks to rehabilitate my right
knee in order to make a return to the team in time for the playoffs this
season," Howard said. "While the knee is responding well to the treatment, I
will not be able to rejoin the team this season due to an unrelated viral
infection identified as viral myocarditis. This condition caused some
irregularities to my heart rhythm, which have subsequently subsided and returned
to normal.

"However, this will prevent me from participating in conditioning workouts and
games for the next few months. On the advice of my doctors, I will take a
conservative approach for resuming my regular training regimen in order to
ensure a full recovery so that I can be ready for the start of next season. My
physicians have reassured me that there should be no long-term consequences."

Howard has averaged 9.6 points and 5.7 rebounds in 61 games this season, his
11th in the NBA and first with the Rockets. He was acquired from Orlando in the
offseason in the deal that also landed Tracy McGrady.

In 791 games with Washington, Dallas, Denver, Orlando and Houston, Howard has
averaged 17.2 points and 7.3 rebounds. He was an All-Star in 1996.

"Obviously, this has been a very difficult and frustrating time for my family
and me," Howard said. "We would very much appreciate your help in respecting our
privacy regarding this matter as we move forward."

At 44-31, the Rockets are one-half game ahead of Denver for sixth place in the
Western Conference standings.
kings 124:105大破lakers
最近5場平均得分 超過110 !!
今場kings搶到 62個 籃板
國際台有錄播這場比賽, 不知大家有沒有看 ?
我覺得 kings 的確打得很不錯, 後備力量最近好像提升了不少。

不知大家覺得 kings 應挑選哪12人進入季後賽名單呢?

變數是2名仍養傷的主將, B.MILLER & BOBBY JACKSON。
2人能否入選, 康復進度當然很關鍵。但我認為, 千萬不要讓2名傷患未明的球員一起進入季後賽名單, 那實在是太冒險。

但比較起來,我認為若能斷定 B.MILLER 能於不遲於第2圈比賽復出,
他應該能入選。始終球隊高度不足, 而 B.MILLER 對 KINGS 的戰術也有很重要的地位, 值得一搏。

相反 BOBBY JACKSON 受傷已久, 即使可於 PLAYOFF 前康復, 比賽狀態也成疑;加上 HOUSE 近來表現不錯, 倒不如將該位置留給迎新人 MARTIN。

最後一人, 我個人會選 "廢柴" 大哥, 因為內線球員在 PLAYOFF 很容易有6犯的, 需要更多的替補。
Peja got injuried plus brad miller and bobby jackson are not sure if they can play playoff or not, I think Kings will lose to Dallas in first round of playoff
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Kings 的看法

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