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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » Need Help!!!
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Need Help!!!

I really need some advice...I have been trying all what I know about operating sytems and cd writers, but nothing is working...THAT'S MY STORY:  Yesterday, my nero program wasn't starting anymore. It was in fact starting in the background, but never showing up on the foreground. I reinstalled it, but nothing happens.  So I decided to download the CD creator 5 from a friend...but SURPRISINGLY, after installing the software, the PC decided not to reboot anymore!!!! Till the moment that I found that there is an option in windows XP that you can reboot like the last success reboot...  BUT BUT, after rebooting, abd SURPRISINGLY again, the CD writer(LG-CED-8120B) and the CD-Rom (8522b) disapperead from my computer driver list!!! Afterwards, I discovered in the Device manager that they are still there, but there is a problem with them... (the yellow question marks)  So I uninstalled them and let Windows XP discovered them again.... it did, but at the end, it gives a message saying that there was a problem with installing the hardwares....and NO drivers (CD-roms or CD-writers) actually appeared in my computer!!!!!!!!!!  Bear with me my friends....I am really trying for hours!!! I also tried the restore option of windows xp, and surprisingly again, it was saying that the restore couldn't be accomplished!!!!! I am waiting for ANY ADVICE!!! PLEASE HELP!
There are some known problems between Win XP and version of EZCD earlier than 5.1

Try this:

Re: Need Help!!!

Thanks for the information, Woowoo
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » Need Help!!!

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