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[車迷區] VW Golf Mk7 to be electric

The next generation Volkswagen Golf will be sold as both a hybrid and a full EV, VW’s RD boss Ulrich Hackenburg has told Autocar.

Speaking at the LA motor show, he said: "We’re looking at a hybrid version of a compact car for Europe and it will come on the next Golf, and an EV version."

Hackenburg also admitted that diesel hybrid technology, previewed on the Up Lite concept could be scalable to bigger cars.

The Up Lite has a two cylinder diesel engine, assisted by a 10kw diesel engine, but Hackenburg revealed that a 30kw motor with a bigger engine was easily achieveable.

However there’s little chance of seeing a hybrid Lamborghini or Bentley, according to Hackenburg but both companies could produce electric versions in the future.

"Supersports cars need to be full EVs, like our Audi E-tron concept," he said. "It all depends on the development of batteries and weight. Supersports cars need to be lighter."

VW Golf Mk7.JPG

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