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Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-23 06:22 PM:
it's simply not a chinese sport
4get it
no matter how hard we try...
it's still a black sport...

white...power and shots
black...techique, speed, air
thats really really true....

just enjoy the game..............
Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-23 06:26 PM:

oh nooooooo
it's  ...
whatever kind of crap....

actually i think the game's 3D's not too good
i like Dragon ball Budokai3's graphic more, more realistic

but this saint seiya game's 3D is made by some new technology, anyway, i just wanna feel the saint's power...man...i've been waiting this game for 10 yrs....

is it expensive to buy games in Canada then?
Originally posted by wai214 at 2005-3-24 01:54 AM:

thats really really true....

just enjoy the game..............
that's right

hey bro. wai214 and Herothree, who do u guys play against in Canada?
--- or with ghosts?
what sports ppl in Canada do though?
hey bro. crap..
how is ur match??play already???
hey.. yes.. totally forget tim..
is that ok for your team nowadays?!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
hahahaha, not yet, starting late april ar~

we try to find some big men to play against for practice now though
it's so painful to play against them...........
if i'm in aust
i'll be more than willing to help
good like with that

abt that white, black, yellow talk
didn't mean to "cool water" anyone
but...it's facts...haha

i talk all the time

[ Last edited by herothree on 2005-4-8 at 03:12 AM ]
hey bro. Hero3, where hv u been?
havn't seen u for a long time except a msg in blow water board
how r u doing?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005

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