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點解? ?

my board is 8RDA3+ v3.1, i have install the floppy driver when installing WinXP, but still i cant format the HD and thus cant install XP,

your harddisk  if "NTFS format '   floppy cant not detected
floppy only can detected and drived the Fat32 HD

and normally Win XP always this format,  I think you need a cd Booter.
and normally Win XP always NTFS format
you dont need a floppy to intall xp, make a bootable winxp cd, its easy feel free to ask if u have any problem making one, i'll show you the step
o btw, u can use FAT with winxp, there is no problem with it.
however i recommand you to use NTFS format because it is "supposedly" a lil faster
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 點解? ?

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