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聖飢魔 II

Who know and likes seikima II??

they are 80s hard rock/heavy metal band who disbanded in 1999 dec 31 because their name seikimatsu means the end of the century.
after 6 yrs..they are gona have a 20th anniversary tour...realy want to go watch..but tickets all sold out...and no money to go

ps...anyone have their Ultimate Black Mass 9 dvd??...
i like them too...
do u know where can i dl their song?
Originally posted by 松本煙仔 at 2005-10-19 06:44 AM:
i like them too...
do u know where can i dl their song?
If you like them, why don't buy the CDs instead of dl the songs?
Originally posted by 881903 at 2005-10-19 02:33 PM:

If you like them, why don't buy the CDs instead of dl the songs?
Cause its very hard to find their cds

there are 2nd hand ones from yahoo japan auction but they dont ship overseas..

i wana buy their Ultimate Black Mass DVD
but its impossible now
and 2nd hand cost double the new price

original price is 33, 800 yen
yahoo jap auction up to around 72,000 yen

thats almost around $6000hk
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » 聖飢魔 II

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