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when Im Gone-Eminem

Not Bad,Deepest Song of Ems Career,Probably his Last

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when Im Gone-Eminem

Song lyrics:

It's my life...
The only one I guess...

[1st Verse]
Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart,
And you know you are their armour,
And you will destroy anyone who would try and harm 'em,
But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you?
And everything you stand for, turns on you despite you?
What happens when you become the main source of a pain?
Daddy look what I made, Dad's gotta go catch a plane.
Daddy where's Mommy? I can't find Mommy where is she?
I don't know go play Hailie baby, your daddy's busy.
Daddy's writing this song, this song ain't gonna write itself,
I'll give you one underdog then you gotta swing by yourself.
Then turn right around on that song and tell her you love her,
Then put hands of her mother, who's a splitting image of her.
That's Slim Shady, yeah baby, Slim Shady's crazy,
Shady made me, but tonight Shady's rocker-by-baby...

And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back.
And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back...

[2nd Verse]
I keep having this dream, I'm pushing Hailie on the swings,
She keeps screaming, she don't want me to sing.
You're making Mommy cry. Why? Why is Mommy crying?
Baby Daddy ain't leaving no more, Daddy you're lying.
You always say that, you always say this is the last time,
But you ain't leaving no more, Daddy you're mine.
She's piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it,
Daddy please, daddy don't leave, daddy, no stop it,
Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket.
It's got a picture, It'll keep you safe daddy, take it with you,
I look up, it's just me standing in the mirror,
These sinking walls must be talking, cuz man I can hear 'em.
They're saying "You've got one more chance to do right", and it's tonight,
Now go out there and show that you love 'em before it's too late.
And just as I go to walk out my bedroom door,
It's turns to a stage, they're gone, and this spotlight is on,
And I'm singing...

And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back.
And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back...

[3rd Verse]
Sixty thousand people, all jumping out their seats,
The curtain closes, they're throwing roses at my feet.
I take a bow and thank you all for coming out,
The scream is so loud, I take one last look at the crowd.
I glance down, I don't believe what I'm seeing,
Daddy it's me, help mummy her wrists are bleeding,
But baby we're in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?
I followed you Daddy, you told me that you weren't leaving.
You lied to me Dad, and now you make mummy sad,
And I bought you this coin, it says 'Number One Dad!'.
That's all I wanted, I just want to give you this coin,
I get the point... fine, me and Mommy are goin'.
But baby wait, it's too late Dad, you made the choice,
Now go up there and show 'em that you love 'em more than us.
That's what they want, they want you Marshall, they keep screaming your name,
It's no wonder you can't go to sleep, just take another pill,
Yeah, I bet you you will. You rap about it, yeah, Word, Keep it real.
I hear applause, all this time I couldn't see,
How could it be, that the curtain is closing on me.
I turn around, find a gun on the ground,
Put it to my brain and scream 'Die Shady!' and pump it.
The sky darkens, my life flashes, the plane what I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes.
That's when I wake up, A long hot spring and there's birds singing,
It's spring and, Hailie's outside swinging, I walk right up to Kim and kiss her.
Tell her I miss her, Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister.
Almost as if to say..

[Chorus/Hook - Outro]
And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back.
And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back...

*Curtains Closing*
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » when Im Gone-Eminem

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