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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 請問有無d software係可以將張相放大,質數唔變或變得更好呢?
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請問有無d software係可以將張相放大,質數唔變或變得更好呢?

如題!!!! 8)
请使用windows xp的imageviewer
Shortcut Photozoom Pro

you can find it by using emule/edonkey
Theoretically no. For example, if you have 800X600 pixels, that's all the information you've got. You can't "create" more "perfect" pixels out of nothing and make the picture 1024*800.
But, there're ways to "create" pixels that are "good enough, but not perfect". You'll have to use "Splines" or "Cubic" interpolation to do so.

You can do this interpolation use the applications like Photoshop, or the FREE Gimp


When you enlarge an image, you have to choose "cubic" or "splines" method, that'll give you the best quality.
But if you want something QUICK, download the "Image resizer" of Windows XP PowerToy.


Once installed, you can resize picture by right-clicking on the picture's icon and choose "resize picture".[/url]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 請問有無d software係可以將張相放大,質數唔變或變得更好呢?

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