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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 手機版 » sony 手機 暫時邊部最正???
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sony 手機 暫時邊部最正???

sony 手機 暫時邊部最好用???
sony is one of the worst cell phone maker out there. they dont put in any effort into designing their phones. You will find 9/10 phones have the exact same UI except for a couple of small differneces. Then they just slap on a new housing and call it a new model.

If you want one that is easy to use from SE, just pick anyone other than the P1i.
Originally posted by malecoke at 2007-11-21 11:57 AM:
sony is one of the worst cell phone...
other then P1i?? whats wrong with it? is SE's most powerful phone on the market right now ... small in size with full keyborad ... and is 3G ... i have one and i love it ... maybe u too cheap to get one?
p1i 的確唔錯....但so 貴...!!!!!! 咁耐都係跌左少少價..
p1i功能勁,w850i影相好..但係暫時都係nokia n95 8gb正d
首推 P1i, 功能齊存, 而且暫時 Sony 無乜機可以比美,
價錢雖然貴左 d, 但都算物超所值,
p1i 的確唔錯不過iphone好似重好
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 手機版 » sony 手機 暫時邊部最正???

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