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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 【每日一篇好文區】 » [原创][友情]Dear you my friend
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[原创][友情]Dear you my friend

I'm so sick seeing you be the broken hearted one
but once life begin we have to have various drama done
nowhere to hide nowhere for gone
and there is no choice but get through the slumps

sometimes we're sad,sometimes we're just wanna die
sometimes when we get the cloudy sky
suddenly we wanna cry
we know what damn it but always complain why
we know the illness deep inside
but always smile,"I'm fine"

remember the battle in "8 mile" boy?
"I'm 18 but my mind is old,
another nigga deceased,
another story gets told"
times we suffer to make our own story go on without a guide
though the road means sarrow,the mountain seems high
though the darkness filled even the the stars don't shine
remember that you've got family and friends who will always by your side
and just let the jam out of your mind

life goes on all the time

Teach me how to dougie.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 【每日一篇好文區】 » [原创][友情]Dear you my friend

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