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Chelsea ‘agree personal terms with Edinson Cavani’ as transfer nears

Saturday 29 Jun 2013

Chelsea have taken a big step towards winning the race to sign in-demand Napoli player Edinson Cavani, after the Blues reportedly agreed personal terms with the striker.

Chelsea are among a host of clubs across Europe who are keen on the Uruguay international, with Real Madrid and Manchester City also in pursuit.

Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis yesterday revealed City were the only club to have tabled an official bid for the 26-year-old, but said it fell well short of their £54m valuation.

But according to Sky Italia reporter Tancredi Palmeri, Chelsea have stolen a march on their rivals by agreeing personal terms with Cavani.

He wrote on Twitter: ‘There are reports of Chelsea having found an agreement with Cavani over personal terms, pending an agreement with Napoli.

The signing would prove a huge coup for returning Blues manager Jose Mourinho, who is looking to add to his attacking options as he bids for a third Premier League title at Stamford Bridge.

But any arrival of Cavani – or any other top-class striker – will place question marks once again over the future of Fernando Torres, with Romelu Lukaku also returning to west London following a successful loan spell at West Brom.

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