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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 巴士一談[00+][積極回應會員+]
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Originally posted by sfxc0000 at 2005-5-14 22:25:
; l; p+ g; t( W, B! B2 {5 O* Y我都鍾意舊巴士~~~" P+ N  D6 j; C1 _
因為我唔係太鍾意D機油味  v  n" a0 W7 q+ |) [0 Q
我聞到o個d味就會好想嘔% b# I  p; F/ H& r: Y
所以我鍾意坐o係上層o既頭位, 開住個窗吹風~~
0 H6 L0 ?9 B- }3 ^$ P一流:cool:
. o( _: i: _- d8 T8 ]9 f
* S3 f0 h) }" d/ i6 T
i heard about this problem before!
5 g$ y# Q7 r9 F! I8 w9 Zbut I get no clue about this!!
) z/ V6 U6 N+ o6 Y8 c2 t' Y  zI guess, the problem is: when mechanics fix up the buses, they don't clean it completely..
8 v- U' F2 {3 {" fand as air-cond buses are in closed environment- I5 \2 z$ A8 b' c0 L- c
the smell from engine oil can't evaporate easily.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Air Conditioned buses:
7 n( I3 ]: Q7 i# o3 @# p" CDennis Trident 12 M/ |& y6 T0 H! @- T) y; _
(one of the examples)


12M2.jpg (17 KB)
220 x 154 PIXEL下載

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-5-14 10:36 PM:4 K7 Y7 W( B4 w& v8 c( H9 }( O/ i
i heard about this problem before!
8 f: x% b. a- W( Y8 E" P1 Bbut I get no clue about this!!
3 l7 R6 K8 K- S6 a, {; [% ~6 {  x+ xI guess, the problem is: when mechanics fix up the buses, they don't clean it completely..' H3 x9 s. U( q5 s
and as air-cond buses are in closed environment
) }$ b) ~  k2 x5 v9 `5 kthe smell from engine oil can't evaporate easily.
" Q0 U; o; t6 v唔知點解 =.="8 S6 j3 c1 Z6 D5 G$ Q/ S
我對d機油味好敏感 =.="
Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-5-14 08:31 PM:$ y! @) Q; M( L. d$ w. h
( O- v; i; `- {  K
( |) E8 i3 v1 s' E- n有冷氣爽D嘛!
Originally posted by Christy~呀華 at 2005-5-14 10:52 PM:9 F- y4 g. Z4 Y
# B5 G; z" S9 U6 g
! U( L6 [+ m5 h" M/ X9 _9 shigh d
Originally posted by sfxc0000 at 2005-5-15 00:44:: p. z2 o+ K& X% J

. L9 D/ [- w6 A唔知點解 =.="
. G! u! E+ {4 D; E" L我對d機油味好敏感 =.="
! y. z$ m$ Y! @1 \- V" S5 v
8 H! T* q$ F5 \
em, everyone may have allergic for something.
* a* J$ j% b7 L  `you maybe engine oil," S4 l* ^; j* I& _) l
I am..... Onion..............~~
* y7 N4 F/ K6 I4 q, t& U2 _5 D8 h, Rso don't be surprised......~
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-5-14 10:55 PM:* m0 l. Z0 K' i8 G8 V- n/ c

& }: M+ f* U# S/ p: o# W: _5 }
8 j7 k: {2 @  f$ cem, everyone may have allergic for something.
3 N# E0 O" c  k' O: ~; ]you maybe engine oil,  v7 _0 z  B. y2 `7 E% f
I am..... Onion..............~~1 m/ D3 L1 u; A6 v  x
so don't be surprised......~
8 w5 P6 N4 I* Y3 j3 ]- Q1 }
  r  ?3 U: |) w# W所以我都麻麻地鍾意搭巴士
Originally posted by sfxc0000 at 2005-5-15 00:55:
; O! s+ \8 E* D- q6 B& c' d0 v# s+ b) Z9 D
high d
2 F* N5 a) _% g

+ k1 N" W8 I1 \4 y5 J% Kin truth, enviromentally not-friendly for air-cond buses...~
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
我就梗係choose冷氣巴士啦~% w  D4 g6 Q/ x" x
車外的嘈音實在另人難受!  l1 N% d$ y+ S1 j/ U4 N
/ e$ _% S! O/ y5 ?3 b' k所以我寧願比多一個幾毫,死都要搭冷氣巴士!!!!!
sure with air conditioner& P  l  l0 [( w- _* @) b
1st, no smell of diesel fuel
* v; e% o* j4 N# W0 F' X# K  q2nd, more comfortable seat- L, J* q6 V& P. p
3rt, no need to torerate the wind when someone open the window fully
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 巴士一談[00+][積極回應會員+]

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