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[center]ONKYO TX-DS989[/center]


Once in a blue moon, something so innovative comes along that it obliterates your preconceptions about what is possible. For example, whoever thought you could say "home theater" and "future proof" in the same sentence? Well, Onkyo did. As a matter of fact, our engineers said it in one word–TX-DS989. You'll find this revolutionary 7-channel THX Surround EX receiver has features and technologies found in no other receiver, regardless of price. In fact, it's so state of the art, some industry analysts are calling it "over-engineered." We tend to agree. The TX-DS989–a new receiver for a new age in home theater.


WRAT (Wide Range Amplifier Technology)
Impact and sound purity that conventional receivers can't match, from three distinct advantages: 1. Low negative feedback design; 2. Elimination of ground-potential fluctuations; 3. High instantaneous current capability.


[ Last edited by DrChik on 2005-8-6 at 01:26 AM ]

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Optimum Gain Volume Circuitry
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Less than half the typical amount of attenuation is needed, so signals never come close to the noise floor.


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Audiophile-Grade Parts
The massive troidal power transformer, with secondary windings and independent ground connections to isolate each channel from crosstalk and AC-line linterfaces, is the kind you find only in high-end audio equipment. Huge custom-designed Audio Tuned Reference capacitors give you greater power delivery at low frequencies, plus tremendous continuous power reserves during the most dynamic sound effects and musical surges. For hi-fi purists, large multi-emitter output transistors provide faster switching speed, which translates into a wider dynamic range.


THX Ultra Certified
THX Surround EX
Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Pro Logic II
DTS, DTS-ES Discrete/Matrix 6.1, DTS Neo:6
192 kHz/24-Bit Audio D/A Converters
24-bit Dual CRYSTAL DSP Chips
Reduced NFB (Negative Feedback) Design
Non-Scaling Configuration
A-Form Listening Mode Memory
Zone2 Multiroom/Multisource Capability

[ Last edited by 仙道 on 2005-8-5 at 02:05 AM ]



General Specification

7x 200 W/ch, at Continuous 6 ohms, 1 kHz, EIAJ
Frequency Response: 5 Hz-100 kHz (+1 dB, -3 dB)
WHD: 435 x 196 x 451 mm
Weight: 22.0 kg


[center] [/center]

[ Last edited by 仙道 on 2005-8-5 at 11:35 AM ]
[center]THE INTERIOR DESIGN OF TX-DS989[/center]

What's in a ONKYO TX-DS989 ??

THX Ultra and THX Ultra2 offer the highest level of THX quality assurance. THX Ultra was designed for use in a 2000+ ft3 room, and guarantees superior performance and accurate reproduction of the movie theater experience in the home. The updated version, THX Ultra2, provides 7.1-channel playback of any 5.1 multi-channel program; video switching for all wide-bandwidth sources (including HDTV and progressive scan DVD) without picture degradation; and THX Games Mode to faithfully reproduce the sound content of video games.

Decodes the additional matrix-encoded channel from Dolby Digital Surround EX and DTS-ES Matrix 6.1-encoded DVDs, and divides it into two separate surround back channels for incredibly realistic 360 degree surround sound effects and precise sound location.

Dolby Digital EX creates 6 full-bandwidth output channels from 5.1-channel sources. This is done using a matrix decoder that delivers 3 surround channels from the 2 in the original recording.

There are two DTS-ES(Extended Surround) formats: DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 and DTS-ES Matrix 6.1. The DTS;-ES Discrete 6.1 format is, as the name implies, a 6.1-channel system with a discrete back surround channel, while DTS-ES Matrix 6.1, like Dolby Digital Surround EX, provides a matrix-encoded back surround channel. There's also DTS Neo:6, which derives a 6-channel surround output from a stereo soundtrack, and regular DTS, which, like Dolby Digital, is a discrete 5.1-channel system, but which uses less compression than Dolby Digital.

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » 【AV AMP】ONKYO TX-DS989[Dr+]

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