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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 諸葛亮死後最厲害既人物係.....
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Originally posted by 機密 at 2006-1-30 21:41:+ B6 t1 s3 `! I, e2 R
; O2 `# c  {) N% g

7 H: P/ C1 V9 Z" Y& P+ v: }4 r9 r智慧: 諸葛亮-->司馬懿--->...
* }0 p$ X2 P( o: L
but 鄧艾and陸遜have 10 pts,姜維only9
Originally posted by 151515 at 2006-1-30 21:42:% ~6 E8 t; l# c( R: `( W
4 a9 M1 v) M# x& e
but 鄧艾and陸遜have 10 pts,姜維only9
. R# p# ?( d" U
* ^: i$ x0 K3 v9 E7 W0 A0 m9 |
But I don't think鄧艾and陸遜 is really better than 姜維. Even they are clever, 姜維 was taught by  諸葛亮.  He learnt ~90% from 諸葛亮.
' E! m( a  K% V: Q6 P/ v# N
6 Z5 I- g2 O! @; U2 u$ |! V[ Last edited by 機密 on 2006-1-30 at 09:45 PM ]
Originally posted by 機密 at 2006-1-30 21:44:. G8 S9 U# Z" E  V
5 t8 q  S+ A- O: U% j. c) |
( l6 Q% Z' V5 r+ U8 q5 C
But I don't think鄧艾and陸遜 is really better than 姜維.
/ c; h: f6 V, {- M4 {1 g5 b
, }% D- T- {0 [+ n5 A9 C5 F" `why?: l3 m6 W+ X: v3 b0 s
- r" l& q# Q, `; Z- E+ i
Originally posted by 151515 at 2006-1-30 21:45:
7 L6 z' k$ v& D# o' m+ G
) k7 b9 N- F/ [6 T5 j: `$ G$ F
# f0 U: P4 r/ V" h0 S$ awhy?
& q# P" A  \5 Z& _: N$ @
$ P/ M$ G1 k2 ]4 @0 v/ E其實他們實力差不多,很難比較
% W% s4 r3 |9 o, {* j5 Z+ ]' |2 W, x, G8 l8 C7 j3 V4 r
see #22 Thus
7 r/ J9 g6 }! O- W& W- l% s9 H% Z$ I3 o. a2 R
智慧: 諸葛亮-->司馬懿--->陸遜--->姜維--->鄧艾--->
! K7 @- T& ?& I( U5 V7 a* s' R9 _) l# V
% y) L! |  _5 R* o( {9 c" q4 b) o/ Y: k% e
政治才能:<--- actually I forgot the details./ a; u/ f/ e2 z+ Y4 m5 s9 s
! L7 E: `' [3 h4 p2 |9 J
In addition, a merit for 姜維 you haven't consider for him.  姜維's fascination is better than the others because he was the only student of  諸葛亮.
6 M! `4 g. t+ ]) E. a8 o+ H
$ W* ?7 X5 c* ?- Z! f[ Last edited by 機密 on 2006-1-30 at 09:56 PM ]
Originally posted by 機密 at 2006-1-30 21:50:' m5 i. {0 K' c' A+ `, e& }
In addition, a merit for 姜維 you haven't consider for him.  姜維's fascination is better the others because he was the only student of  諸葛亮.
  k6 N+ q4 V4 p
/ u1 I4 c' N  }2 O4 \! g
Originally posted by 151515 at 2006-1-30 21:51:5 \3 ]" Y9 Y( q4 a

2 Z& q" W: _) U" K, o- t; ^6 d
* {/ ]: W# Y' ^9 [& f他比孔明更偉大
8 I# y2 Z& y! U
* x5 s: b9 a" i+ ~+ HAgree.  Both of them were extremely loyalty.  However, he was more great because he was in more poor situation.  He could maintain a same loyality to his boss.
Originally posted by 機密 at 2006-1-30 21:55:; f- G% s2 I* @% h* v' n

4 T" F0 P- y( A2 w' ~. Y+ l  m; Y9 N" ?' |
Agree.  Both of them were extremely loyalty.  However, he was more great because he was in more poor situation.  He could maintain a same loyality to his boss.
+ ~: j  h# A/ M9 B
& D! n- j2 K/ w- }' p5 i0 d他支撐了蜀國三十年,雖然孔明也有27年(207-234),但那時的人材比姜維時期的好很多,五虎已屈機
Originally posted by 151515 at 2006-1-30 21:58:' X1 X- X1 ?1 o; y5 Y6 }
) i8 U- E$ v! M- g* Q. N
3 r. ?/ _- n2 }/ H, Y, ]- b
2 F; d- s- K8 N3 A. s7 uyes, that's the point.
Originally posted by 機密 at 2006-1-30 22:03:& K5 b/ G4 D8 E& a% D' B

3 T* ?9 v9 f8 E+ M2 E6 [5 [+ Z/ c$ hyes, that's the point.
8 @+ W$ F4 `" t1 d
+ {  y$ |" N2 b& S: z) ^. T$ N陸遜也偉大,但不得善終......
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 諸葛亮死後最厲害既人物係.....

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