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Who is more important? (Football Manager Vs Basketball Head Coach)

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I have been watching football for a long time, and I know the manager of a team is very important, ( cos they always get sack if the team is not doing well )
but recently I start watching basketball, I notice that they don't mention much about the Head Coach.
so I want to find out the result..

Good questions~~!!

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2006-2-8 at 09:58 PM ]
Can't compare
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-2-8 11:23 AM:
Can't compare
1) The Basketbll (I take NBA as example)..has Salary Capping... that mean U cannot crazy buying big name player
but Football team (Euro team) eye on the $-maker UEFA League...... say if you win a match to get US$ 350k.... what will u then...
a very good example D.Backham is older and suck in many ppl eye, but he can make R.Madrid to be a very profitable club.

2) NBA team has only 12 players...(no matter you are star or not), whereas Football team may need to manage 26 players.... (ofcoz not include the reserve team)... so...which one is harder

3)....can't though then ....maybe insert later....lol
Football Manager is like one-leg-kick, but NBA Head Coach is mainly to coach, where many other stuffs (like trade) are handled by others. (though Head Coach might give opinions)
In NBA, every team has a coach team for fitness, tactic and head coach is only for arrangement of player only.........
I believe basketball coaches (especially those in NBA) are much more important. Unlike in football, almost EVERY PLAY you see in an NBA match is designed by the coach.
如果係講响球場以外嘅話的確好難比較,因為實在有太多嘢需要兼顧,亦有太多其他嘅人响度幫緊手,而且唔同球隊又會有唔同嘅分工 ……

但係講响球場內甚至係講緊比賽當中,籃球嘅總教練﹙Head Coach﹚應該會比足球嘅領隊﹙Manager﹚緊要得多。我試下舉兩個例子略為解釋一下

﹙一﹚        籃球始終得五個人响個場度打,而且可以不停咁換人,教練嘅戰術自然容易啲發揮,換人嘅決定亦會較為容易影響到比賽嘅勝負。足球有十一個人踢,係唔係做到領隊嘅要求始終要靠球員嘅配合,而且俾你換到盡都係得三個人,領隊臨場嘅作用對比賽嘅勝負相對上無咁大影響

﹙二﹚        籃球比賽可以叫暫停,教練嘅戰術可以直接傳達俾每一個球員,而且可以按比賽嘅變化隨時作出改變。足球嘅領隊最多咪响半場教下路,其餘時間你叫到失聲都無人聽得到


Football manager is more important in the soccer field while the the basketball manager is more crucial in the baskbetball court.

You are asking a question like your firefighter is more important or police officer is more important. It depends on their situations........
Originally posted by 秋葉林 at 2006-2-8 04:44 PM:
Thanks, this is a very good example,
now I understand the different
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Who is more important? (Football Manager Vs Basketball Head Coach)

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