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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 曼聯勁呀!
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P.S.信我la....我都有d眼光ga....你見我睇中Wigan都ok ga....
Now's the time,Italy.
Originally posted by adamjacky123 at 2006-4-10 10:18 PM:

P.S.信我la....我都有d眼光ga....你見我睇中Wigan都ok ga....
a brave man
Originally posted by Ronaldinho@ at 2006-4-10 10:19 PM:

a brave man
講真ga....我信阿記非一人球隊,下季來料ga la...!!
Now's the time,Italy.
i think so.. remember that's the first time . that the combination between Van Persie and Adeboyer together.............. what can you expect for the first time?
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-4-10 10:24 PM:
i think so.. remember that's the first time . that the combination between Van Persie and Adeboyer together.............. what can you expect for the first time?
Yes.....although they have not many cooperation.....I think they can do better in the future match.
Now's the time,Italy.
Originally posted by au212001 at 2006-4-10 01:57 PM:

我都睇好維拉利爾, 第一回合作客,...
我反而覺得 Arsenal 主場贏唔到都唔係問題,
次回合打 counter 仲啱嘴型~
Originally posted by ThomasKoon at 2006-4-10 11:23 PM:
Now's the time,Italy.
Originally posted by adamjacky123 at 2006-4-11 00:26:

Yes.....although they have not many cooperation.....I think they can do better in the future match.
The main point is: tney need to start Hleb.....
no matter what's happened
Can't let Cesc on play with right winger.....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by kaing at 2006-4-10 12:55 AM:
所以曼聯win 一d 都唔出奇...
Agree. They have to prepare for Champions League and not at  home.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 曼聯勁呀!

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