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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 2006 NBA 季後賽 PLAYOFF 吹水站
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Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2006-5-29 11:10 PM:

speedy 咪係 denver 囉
Speedy is in Hornets....
Back up for Chris Paul~~
Originally posted by Kian76 at 2006-5-29 11:43 PM:

same as Iverson~~
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2006-5-29 11:55 PM:

講笑jeh.. 你地慢慢玩﹐我要訓喇﹐香港同澳洲有2個小時既時差...

oh X, are you studying in aust now?
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2006-5-30 12:06 AM:

that's good ...are you too 艾力克?
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2006-5-30 12:12 AM:

no, i am a HK student
oh..icic...just curious to know...who won the 26fun yahoo nba league...coz i'm the one who always ask you guys comments for my transations...
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2006-5-30 12:19 AM:
DET coach said ben wallace has a ft% of 70-80% during practice, do you guys believe it?
oh...whatever the coach said...if that's true, DET should assign Ben to see psychologist....coz that's psyc problem....but dont force ben to do that he cant...

luckily no one use "Hack-the-Shaq" in Bulls Dynasty...or else Rodman and Jordan would be pissed~~

Btw...O'Neal claimed that he had a good record of FT% in practise too~~
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2006-5-30 12:18 AM:

league champion = me
playoff champion = xtravagant

what a pity that yahoo just gave me a third at the end (as i am third in playoff)
haha...yeh....coz they just rank you by playoff results
Originally posted by DEATHMAN at 2006-5-30 12:35 PM:
Pts: Dirk (The scoring power in Mavs)
Reb: Dirk (Fight back for Marion)
Ass: S.Nash (this guy is just strong in assist)

This year's series is far better than last year....Not Defensive playing mode...for the god sake....
Coach AJ is just so good in tactics.....Go Mavs...
Pts: D.Wade (Prince is just tired to defend him~~)
Reb: Ben Wallace (Must-Win game...)
ASS: Billups (Must-win game..)
PRINCE is my man~~~HIP HIP~~~HOORAY~~~
He's on fire today~~that's really unexpected..
and I love Ben's block shot today~~Oneal was trying to dunk with two hands, Ben came out and block it with one hand~~

Back to Suns series...

Pts: Dirk (The main scoring power in Mavs)
Reb: Diaw (He's on fire in this series)
ASS: S.Nash (Probably the only choice in this series)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 2006 NBA 季後賽 PLAYOFF 吹水站

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