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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 06-07球季轉會消息
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The Club is delighted to announce that it has reached agreement with Wigan for the transfer of Pascal Chimbonda.

The 27-year-old defender played in all-but one of Wigan’s Premiership matches last season and his performances at right-back earned a place in the prestigious Premiership Team of the Year as voted by the PFA.

Sporting director Damien Comolli said: “Pascal is a terrific right-back, solid defensively and good in the air. He is a complete player who can create chances offensively as well.

“I’m delighted that he has joined us, he is a player who really wants to be at this club and do well for us.”

Pascal won his first French cap in a friendly against Denmark in May and that was followed with a call-up to the French squad for this summer’s World Cup in Germany.

A smiling Pascal said: “I always wanted to be here. For me it is a footballing decision. Tottenham is a great club where I hope I can play my best football.

“I’d like to thank Damien and Martin for their persistence in making this happen.”

Pascal kicked-off his career at Le Havre in 1999 before switching to Bastia in 2003. He moved to Wigan in July, 2005.
拉科放走史卡朗尼及卓斯坦 02 September, 2006 10:59 +0800






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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 06-07球季轉會消息

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