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都係aston villa個陣穩陣d,佢地都係兩場主場,都唔係太難打,Barry, S Petrov, 艾邦拉hor同Aston villa後衛都搏得過!

Kuyt Agbonlahor Saha
Fabregas Young Barry Ivan Compo
Riise Ridgewell Bocanegra

前鋒線: Kuyt今個星期都一定要買,Agbonlahor暫時3入球2助攻都ok,Saha射失完12碼,今場會搏命d。
中場線: 覺得bolton今晚有機會和arsenal(as henry傷左),所以買左ivan compo;Young低價買入,唔放lu;Barry12碼劊子手,本周2場主場,暫時4 goal穩陣;至於Fabregas,就仲未決定轉用邊個。
後衛: Riise,等cs + sc + sot;ridgewell,等cs + 其他;Boncanegra,唔夠錢,唯有是但買個fulham後衛
龍門: cs + win
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2006-11-25 06:12 PM:

你個陣充滿著 riskful 既球員 ~~
Agree, A Johnson, Hleb, Ben Haim, Lescott, Stefanovic, Niemi都好搏。
Originally posted by CHECSS at 2006-11-25 07:59 PM:

CS ?????
即係clean sheet,0失球,隊波零失球,後衛同龍門會加5分
Originally posted by CHECSS at 2006-12-1 07:25 PM:

有無好介紹 ???
Wigan兩個前鋒Henri Camara and Heskey,Reading兩個前鋒K Seol, Doyle都ok。

btw,Week 15開頭76,週中得28.5,total comes up to104.5。

Duff兄, can you give me suggestion on my formation this week?

K Seol Heskey Kuyt(not going to change,as got him cheaply)
A Lennon C Ron McCulloch Young(not going to change,as got him cheaply)
Chimbonda Shorey M Richards

Avg cap: 1.14

[ Last edited by littlenic on 2006-12-1 at 10:49 PM ]
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-12-4 06:52 PM:
今晚 [img]
I have weaver, richards and young. I think man city can win as they play so good at their home stadium. But young no matter win or lose, can get high marks
tot and wig disappointed me for the first round... only get 75 for first round...

ED兄, can u help me to check my formation?
Heskey Shev Kuyt
A Lennon Young C Ron Ballack
Riise Vidic A cole
P Robinson
我想換走Heskey, but冇$$,should i give up c ron and buy barry and k seol? or should i give up another player instead?
how about giving up a lennon and buy ivan compo, to sell heskey for k seol(or any other possible forward)?
Heskey usually commits many foul. When wig faces ars, he may commit many foul but ok to try.
I think A Cole will get higher mark than terry. He has more Successful Cross.
Wig may lose when they play against ars, and therefore kirkland is quite dangerous

My team:
k seol shev kuyt
young ballack a lennon c ron
A Cole Vidic Shorey
P Robinson

I think in this week, we should buy chelsea, liverpool, tottenham(even though many injuries),reading and man u players.

[ Last edited by littlenic on 2006-12-9 at 01:06 PM ]
雖然我1隊仲有3個未踢,但我2隊竟然仲多過1隊40分超灰。打少左個k seol...即刻低分左好多...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)

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