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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)
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To: eddie412   

why i can't get any points in the past few weeks?
Please add my points in my account.

The way to get point for 26FUN Group Yahoo Fantasy Football is to leave a post here,then brightlee 版主 will add point for you。
If you never leave a message here then brightlee 版主 has the right not to add point for you。
All these are stating in the rules。。。


#1 ( at the bottom there )

Besides,i have to tell you that brightlee 版主 already 3weeks never add/deduct point for us becoz he/she is so busy。
So what we can do is just leave a post here n waiting。。。

I can only answer this question for you,others you have to check the previous post from your old account to find out why your point have been deducted ?
To: eddie412

Do you know how is the 26FUN 版主 add/deduct point for the member ?
This is the example。。。

http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthr ... ghlight=&page=7

#183 Add Point

#190 Deduct Point

As i know 版主 will not 'add/deduct point in your account',
They will only add/deduct point at your post。。。
Midfielders Opp  Action Price Chg GP G A MWG SPG SOT SC FW CW PKM AVG PTS
Claus Jensen  (FUL - M) WIG [SELL] 10.26 0.94 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00

Midfielders Opp  Action Price Chg GP BS PI TW ST FC PC OG YC RC AVG PTS  
Claus Jensen  (FUL - M) WIG [SELL] 10.26 0.94 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00

上 周 Claus Jensen ( Fulham ) 十 几 粒 零 鸡 蛋 收 场。。。
Yahoo 个 计 分 系 统 好 值 得 怀 疑。。。
以 前 都 有 试 过 食 晒 人 地 d 分。。。
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2006-11-2 06:36 AM:
哇,好 仔 细 的 分 析。。。
热 门 冷 门 都 分 埋 出 来。。。
都 被 你 讲 晒。。。
边 度 仲 有 特 别 心 水 ?

等 我 看 看 其 他 未 题 到 的 球 员 有 乜 惊 喜 先。。。
一 阵 话 你 知。。。
Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-11-3 10:46 AM:
I will do the points stuff tonight at home.....
if this is really a tough work for you then you can choose to only add/deduct point for those who have leave a message here to claim their point,
since this is stating in the rules,
And this can ease your work。。。

[size=-8]P:S My english is Damn poor,hope you get me。。。
根本就唔係 Yahoo! 計錯分既問題.....
之前看 hightlight,场波 Jensen 有 一 粒 SOT。。。
上几场 Liverpool 个 Riise 一场波有两粒 SOT 都一样唔见左。。。


YFF 得分系统唔可以 100% 根据现实踢波个情景来下定论。。。
Jensen 是 Fulham 个中场发电机
( 上季已经是但受伤长休,依加出番啦,今季 Bullard 伤后地位更加稳固 )
上季 Jensen 平均分数,大概 7,8 分一场。。。
感觉就好似今季 Blackburn 的 Bentley 一样。。。
所以话 Jensen 响 YFF 有一定的得分能力。。。
brightlee版主 please have a look on this,

http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthr ... hlight=&page=17


If this member really cant use the old account already then can he/she use his/her new account to get point ?
Yes,the 1st thing is to make sure he/she is the same person and the owner of Great Football Team。。。
I think he/she is so worry now。。。
版主 please 帮帮手 to settle this problem。。。
brightlee版主,still not yet find out the solution for #524 ?

Besides,Thank You for adding point for us。。。

[ Last edited by teramishu on 2006-11-3 at 09:09 PM ]
Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-11-3 09:31 PM:
Well, when you get - points in that account
sorry, no one can help him/her.......
So do you allow him/her to use the new account to claim point for YFF ?
Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-11-3 10:18 PM:

I approved and I add 3 points to his new account.
Thank You So Much。。。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)

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