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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)
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Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-24 01:59 PM:
i think picking the players with most games, like double game, and picking certain starters or players who take kicks is a safe way to play it~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"


Warning for your words!!!!

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2006-8-25 at 06:57 PM ]
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
of coz~ only should have one team!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
juz kidding i am harvey22 FU.Mourinho.U.Son.Ofa.Bitch, wow never know you keep this place so tidy tera!! So much hard work lol u deserve to be up top, hehee but this week i am gonna hunt u downnnn! ROAR***
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
haha~ okok thank you boys
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
haha this week yahoo is being yahoo again, no points update and no idea when they will lol
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by Aristo~ at 2006-9-26 08:33 PM:

this yr they acutally update the points straight after the game, i juz think is funny lol sometimes it takes 2mins sometimes it takes 10yrs.
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
haha u are losing ur touch heeheee..
i am thinking to henry or not this week~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
i had rooney C7 henry last week lol~
thats why need to take micheal brown & kirkland ~~

working on my team 2nite hehe~~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
brown only cost like 2 bucks he starts plus against a weaker team this week, but high risk of getting card lol
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)

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