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發夢見倒 rated-r 簽左6個 center 屈人 trade 呀
Originally posted by Rated-R at 2006-10-20 11:09 PM:
有冇人知Jason Terry仲乜???
with minor injuries only
Originally posted by Rated-R at 2006-10-20 11:39 PM:

冇 熱過身喎
熱身實姐, 主要係睇後備兵, 主力通常等佢地好晒先出
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2006-10-21 01:49 PM:
1st... ppl should attend the live draft, unless they are unavailable; they should not say they forgot it

2nd... unless ppl did not attend the live draft and collected some poor guys, they would mostly find FA players to replace;
however, once you change all FA players to waivers, those ppl can only sign waivers; so.. what does it means?
they can not correct the error that they did not attend the live draft, and they have a poor waiver ranking afterwards

anyway, this would not affect me much as i must attend the live draft
but i admit that i am quite confusing on the draft yesterday
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2006-10-21 03:35 PM:

由於係玩roto league... 拒既計分...
14個人玩, 唔怪得d球員質素咁差啦
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-10-21 04:09 PM:

heyhey i wanna ask if is possible that you cap a few pics of the draft for us to see??

i wanna know how the page looks like incase i dunno how to use it that time and messs up
cap唔倒架, 要draft時先睇倒
time limit: 1:30
不過唔駛太care time limit o既, otherwise急就會揀錯
Originally posted by Rated-R at 2006-10-21 08:30 PM:
Duncan (PF-C)
E.Curry (C) and Bargnani (SF-PF) are not that good, esp. the latter one should not be in the list at this early stage

M. Miller (SG-SF) is uncertain, it is an X-factor before January
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2006-10-23 08:36 PM:

I bet it will be totally different from the real one
many ppl are very here... including me
no, he get the first choice
so he must get marion, it is controlled by his willingness
Originally posted by Rated-R at 2006-10-23 11:22 PM:

第一round揀bosh唔值, 第二round又揀唔倒
duncan vs brand, it is obvious to me

remember to pick the TOR player
Originally posted by Rated-R at 2006-10-23 11:44 PM:

IF I pick duncan,你系我第二round會要誰
要到時先知喎, 唔係想要邊個就有邊個
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo NBA Fantasy League 2006 - 2007

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