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Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-10-19 12:22 AM:

哦26歲馬來西亞人~ 叫你luxiao?

唔緊要la ﹐我成日遲答ga ﹐我仲衰過你多多聲la~ 甘仔就黎想殺o左我ga la

luxiaofung just a nick name....my name is Ivan.you should  happy that be student ma
enjoy whatever that you want to do....if not will regret after you work.
no extra time to play around and feel tired!!!
Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-10-19 12:24 AM:

點解你會估我20,21 ge? 睇相? 睇平時講o野?
just a feel and guess...other way is that girl like ppl told them are young ma
after read the thing u posted feel that you are around that age..
極樂,u still here?mind to tell me the story?
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-10-19 12:40 AM:

sure or not.....can u provide evidence that you are girl girl ler
Trista,大學生時期 i have a pretty girlfriend..after worked 1 year plus,both of us change alot.xspecially is the thinking and the liver of Standard .slowly that the more and more issued bring out till she got the 3rd party.then i just quit of this relationship.
風流事跡 no much...cause i like to play PC game that time.most of the time is with her or play game with friends only.
how about you??any special happen to you as long as you live now?
Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-10-19 12:45 AM:

係? 咁就俾我呢個基妹女色魔狂索吻先la
ah...you mean that u lesbian??sure or not....i not belive
trista,i got girl stay over nite at my house but nothing happen,after few day she wont answer my phone and Ignore the sms.then,i lose a friend like that..carzy la...
(she not my GF,just want find some one dinner and watch movie,and spend some time only)
hope you can understand want i mean
Originally posted by luxiaofung at 2006-10-19 01:00 AM:
trista,i got girl stay over nite at...
what you think ler??why the girl like that one?but i know she had a good feel to me la.
em...i also have but i just pretend only cause i dont want to attach to anyone
Originally posted by Rika at 2006-10-19 01:02 AM:

hi 你好,我係 Rika

咁你地 keep 左幾耐呀?
aiks...4 years plus.both of us relatives think that we will get married soon...
my parents kept ask me why!!!sien oh
Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-10-19 12:56 AM:

偶斷絲連....better dont at that Situation.
ours life have a lot thing to 'fan'....
like now i'll enjoy my single life...hope your also....
end of this end maybe'll go to hong kong...
inform urs later...pls advice some good travel location and food to me ya
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