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Originally posted by CHECSS at 2006-10-21 01:19 AM:

sry ah tata,actually is football lor...most of the guys are like football and girl.
but no money no talk...haha
Originally posted by Rika at 2006-10-21 01:14 AM:

你又知,追左 post?
kaka,where you stay now?confuse plus blur blur
[quote]Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-10-21 01:24 AM:

你星期日仲有力玩呀 [/quote

dont know oh...depend when i can weak up lor.and depend friends also.
sometime frineds is like ur buddy sometime they are devil...haha,urs know what i mean!!
Originally posted by 極樂 at 2006-10-21 01:27 AM:

i understand that...girl age is a private & confidential.
just try to know more about u ma
Originally posted by CHECSS at 2006-10-21 01:28 AM:

then why you quote my post ?????
er...actually want to said thanks for you explanation!!!
tq man!!!
Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-10-21 01:31 AM:

足球我真係一d 都唔知﹐我家姐就一直鐘意碧咸鐘意o左幾年…

why no money no talk?
nowaday malaysia are money face one...depend what kind of car you have,you job,house....bla bla..
that why i said no money no talk lor...clubbing totally want fOC(girl).what they need is just make themself look pretty only.
Originally posted by Rika at 2006-10-21 01:33 AM:

finished shower
I was in Australia
I came back Hong Kong 2 months ago
icic....study there?then why u back to HK ler?
Originally posted by CHECSS at 2006-10-21 01:36 AM:

you are welcome , but what is tq ?????
tq=thank you.
sry again ah...this is malaysia style...hope your like it
easy and shot...still have a lot,better dont type cause urs not really understand.
Originally posted by CHECSS at 2006-10-21 01:40 AM:

訓 la , bye
good nite!!!see you next time...
have a good dream ya
Originally posted by Rika at 2006-10-21 01:42 AM:

yeah.. study.. coz my parents want me to come back
they said i've wasted too much money
aiya,so,you finish the course already??why they said waste money ler??u spend alot there??how much of your expenses per month?
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