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Originally posted by playbr2 at 2006-10-21 03:57 PM:

I'm SherryLiu
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Originally posted by 自由神 at 2006-10-21 03:49 PM:

好現實,但好真播。 比個 Good 你

[ Last edited by Triangel on 2006-10-22 at 02:25 AM ]
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Do you still remember yesterday i asked you to enlarge a photo for me?
That is one out of that 4 Post that contain Virus...
I am so worry bout your pc now...
Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-10-22 02:42 AM:

I don't think you need to worry about me ~

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Originally posted by Triangel at 2006-10-22 02:54 AM:

I don't think you need to worry about me ~

Thanks Great!
Good Night to you。。。
Originally posted by 自由神 at 2006-10-21 10:06 PM:

Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-10-21 06:50 PM:

成日係我阿媽面前晒自己個仔(一個細我幾個月 全家移民左去上海既表弟)
咁勁咁勁 又識講英文講到"勒勒聲"
雖然佢真係叻我好多 但我覺得佢晒命晒得好過分
有一次 我暑期冇參加任何活動
阿姨就又串又風騷咁問我:你今個暑假有咩活動呀~你表弟參加左呢樣la 嗰樣la.....
聽到火都黎 咪求其講兩三樣應酬佢lo

但係佢有一樣野我好唔鐘意 而又啞忍左好耐
講講下野無la la爆句英文出黎
仲要係用詞好高深 有之我唔少心講左句香港式既英文句子
就扮晒野咁 串9我
好彩我識一兩句日文 有時會用日文串佢
其實上面講既關係唔錯 可能以經係講緊佢去上海之前既事
今時今日我同見面 就次次同佢暗鬥
Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-10-22 12:24 PM:

Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-10-21 03:42 PM:

你两条友 Bully 我。。。
Get a life...if you call this a bully...

If you need a moron like that the 'motivate' you to study/work harder, you are probably in the same league as your aunt.

If you see them only a few times a year..what's the freaking big deal? Do you have to bow and worship them? If that's not the case....what's the big deal with a moron farting some stinky bombs? Just treat them as jerks...

Like Edgar Davids says...grow up man...

If you can not even handle something like  that and had to vent here....you are just the same as the ones you are cursing....the difference is...you aunt emotionally abuse you and others in reality...and you give us your dung here in cyberspace.

By the way, this is the wrong sub-forum to post this....you get it?


Originally posted by Gretzky at 2006-10-29 09:04 AM:

Get a life...if you call this a...
Get a life...if you call this a bully...
-> If you are referred to #43, BigT was talking about me and Edgar Davids bully him.

If you need a moron like that the 'motivate' you to study/work harder, you are probably in the same league as your aunt.
->  Easy... easy.... This is probably a figure of speech that kids always like to express their anger when they get mad...

If you see them only a few times a year..what's the freaking big deal? Do you have to bow and worship them?  If that's not the case....what's the big deal with a moron farting some stinky bombs? Just treat them as jerks...
--> Wrong... You are correct that BigT don't have to deal with them; however, his mother does.  (I guess) His mother probably in many situation that she has no choice but had to deal with them...  Well. bigT just don't like to see his mother suffer.

Like Edgar Davids says...grow up man...
--> Everybody have different stages of growing pain

If you can not even handle something like  that and had to vent here....you are just the same as the ones you are cursing....the difference is...you aunt emotionally abuse you and others in reality...and you give us your dung here in cyberspace.
--> I honestly don't see any problem of him to vent here.... Probably this is a better way for him to let go of his stress... We... As his good cyber friend don't mind helping him to do that.  BigT, We Support You.

By the way, this is the wrong sub-forum to post this....you get it?
-->  I don't get it... Where else he can post to get a better support and result?


[ Last edited by Triangel on 2006-10-29 at 10:04 AM ]
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