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Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-11-16 04:45 AM:
之 前 响 电 台 度 听 到 ...
well done tera~~~
it's really nice if u have any opinion of any any articles ~~

this is YOUR channel and u can do and post anything about love
Originally posted by Triangel at 2006-11-18 08:35 AM:

Mr. 戀愛 Professor

You have ...
good fuXk buddy ... but bad lover girlfrd ???

but i do think actually she must understand what she's done is  really no good for the relationship between u and her, and any suggestion , i bet tera can help u with this ~~~
Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-11-18 03:43 PM:

good fuXk buddy ... but bad... is  really no good for the relationship between u and her
Do you (as a female) enjoy taking over and control the relationship with the handsome guy you like.  
Do you (as a female) like to tie his heart by cooking nice dinner for him and etc..
Do you like to have a boyfriend that serve you like a princess.
Do you love to have a husband that listen what you say most of the time.
The ideal world is we respect and love each other.  But
The real world is relationship are neverequal given and not ever dream it will be fair...When you adding sex and $$$$ to this equation, it will even become more complex.

Don't you agree?

[ Last edited by Triangel on 2006-11-18 at 04:17 PM ]
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Originally posted by Triangel at 2006-11-18 04:11 PM:
Do you (as a female) enjoy taking over and control the relationship with the handsome guy you like.

Do you (as a female) like controlling of him by cooking nice dinner for him and etc..
Do you like to have a boyfriend that serve you like a princess.
Do you love to have a husband that listen to what you say most of the time.
The ideal world is we respect and love each other.  But
The real world is relationship is not equal given and not ever dream it is fair...
When you adding sex and $$$$ to this equation, it will even become more complex.

Don't you agree?

but a mature female will understand her dream never come true if she insists, so i guess in love relationship we have to compromise, understand and tolerate , this is the reality .

Love in reality is really really compicated , so if she is not willing to give and think of ur side , i guess it's too hard for u to carry on ... if she just think the good way IN her side...

so she is not really mature (ABOUT LOVE ) enough,  i know a lot of girls , they dont even understand what men really need and they dont understand why men dont like to be controlled .
Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-11-18 04:20 PM:

but a mature female will unders...
     其實我一開始成就用英文,你就應該知道,個故事主人翁 唔係我.
     我係想大家比多少想法 & 意建我好友

I'm still an in-mature kid looking for a sexy girlfriend to control me.. hehe
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My advice to everyone。。。
About Control。。。

No Control in Relationship。。。
You have to understand that u r running a Relationship。。。
And Not managing a Company。。。
A boss can ask staff to do this do that。。。(even we hate this much)
But no one has the right to Control in a Relationship even a Boy。。。

Girls like to Control becoz they worry BoyFriend run away。。。
Actually this can be solved after communication from both parties。。。
What i want to say is in the Real World。。。
Man is more likely to take Control in a Relationship。。。
It can be even worst if he is a 大 男 人 主 义 者。。。
This kind of guy easily get angry and jeolous。。。
For the serious case can be touture girlfriend or wife。。。
Some even locked them in a room n not allow them to eat。。。
So that we can see how dangerous Control is。。。

Back to TriTri's issue。。。
Communication,Understanding,Trust between 2 parties and Muture is the Key Issue to solve this issue。。。
2 parties sit down at the right place,right time with right mood。。。
And talk with each other bout what do you like and dislike bout each other。。。
Take note。。。
Is what u LIKE but Not what u WANT。。。
WANT sounds so childish。。。
Coz we will not always get what we WANT in the real life。。。

1st Step

Make some Communication and try to get some agreement after the talk。。。
Like Boy agree not to goes out with his gang frequently n spend more time to accompany with Girl。。。
Then Girl cant get angry when Boy goes out with friends。。。

But from TriTri n lots of guy past experience。。。
Even they have made this kind of agreement like Girl cant get angry when Boy goes out with his gang。。。
Girl normally will still angry inside their Heart。。。
Just like Saying 'ByeBye and Enjoy with ur friends' but actually they are saying
'God Damn U,cant u just accompany me n watch Desperate Housewives at home!!!'

I think most of the guys agree with me。。。
Girl likes to pretend like a Nice n Friendly GirlFriend in front of BoyFriend。。。
Oh Damn。。。

2nd Step。。。
Why unhappy thing still happen even we have made lots of communication and agreement ?
Becoz we talk n dis-cuss so much thing but we never Accept it。。。
Girl must accept that Boy needs Freedom and they cant be so 细 心 all time。。。
Boy must accept Girl needs u to accompany her and treat her so  细 心。。。

So the Key Word here is。。。
Understanding-Accept-Make Chances to ur thinking。。。
This is the Most important Point and i guess no much people can do it。。。
That' s why u see lots of Couple Argue everyday。。。
Oh Damn Again。。。

But this can be improved if we add some 'Trust' and 'Mature' inside to the Relationship。。。
Trust means U have to Trust ur partner。。。
Mature means have better control on ur emotion。。。

So Communication+Understanding+Trust+Mature from both parties can helps to improved the situation。。。

But i guess only 1 out of 100 couple can do this and the younger u are the lesses chances u can do this。。。

All these needs time and experience。。。
And i think this is too tough for young people to handle a Realtionship well。。。
I believe experience can help people to grow up。。。
But it may takes u few years。。。

Girl is a very 'Weir Animal'。。。
Even they have nothing to do but they just want u to stay with them。。。
Why ?
Maybe becoz of Secure。。。
This seems to be a Vey Impportant Issue。。。
So guy,
If u want more Freedom,
Please make sure that u have already gave ur GirlFriend the feel of Secure。。。
Originally posted by Triangel at 2006-11-18 08:35 AM:
In addition.  I realize I don't like to be controlled, but I still like to have sex with her at least twice a day and she is my best sex partner ever....  I can give her up but I can't give up her sex...  
What do you think,,,, Professor?
If u dont like to be controlled then better make some communication with her 1st。。。
If after communicated with her the situation is still the same then better say 'ByeBye' to her。。。

U have sex with her at least twice a day。。。Not Bad。。。

She is ur best sex partner ever。。。U are the Lucky one。。。

U can give her up but U can't give up her sex。。。Keep In Touch after the Relationship ended。。。
Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-11-18 04:20 PM:
so she is not really mature (ABOUT LOVE ) enough,  i know a lot of girls , they dont even understand what men really need and they dont understand why men dont like to be controlled .
有 请 师 母 教 诲。。。

P:S Who Wants to be Controlled ?
     Not even ur pets。。。
[轉貼] 前女友的骚扰让爱情蒙上阴影

         在我和男友交往的这段时间里,总是有个挥散不去的阴影,这就是他以前的女友。我不知道对方是个怎样的女生,我也不明白,为什么在遭到一个男人多次拒绝后,她竟然还能 “不屈不挠”地继续她的骚扰,也许她认为坚持就能成功。而她也确实为我们的感情生活增添了很多烦恼和吵架的理由。这样的感情生活让我痛苦不堪,我不知道还会持续多久。








发 生 响 我 身 上 就 真 係 要 叫 救 命!!!

两 个 人 分 手 后 个 关 系 都 走 唔 得 去 边 度。。。
断 绝 联 络。。。(尤 其 是 受 重 伤 后)
维 持 普 通 朋 友 关 系。。。(和 平 分 手)
变 成 谈 心 好 朋 友。。。(最 经 典 属 于 因 了 解 而 分 手)

但 有 一 种 就 好 恐 怖。。。
就 係 呢 种 啦。。。
其 中 一 方 唔 肯 放 手 仲 死 缠 烂打。。。
救 命!!!
呢 个 问 题 分 分 钟 仲 恐 怖 过 有 第 三 者 出 现!!!

通 常 会 出 现 呢 几 种 现 象。。。
响 屋 企 或 Office 门 口 等 你。。。
一 直 打 电 话 或 SmS 被 你。。。
响 其 他 人 面 前 话 你 地 仲 保 持 紧 情 人 关 系。。。
去 探 你 屋 企 人 响 利 用 你 家 人 来 镇 压 你。。。
最 傻 果 种 就 係 用 生 命 来 威 胁 你。。。

如 何 提 出 分 手 确 实 係 一 个 非 常 重 要 的 一 步 棋!
做 得 好 双 方 至 少 唔 会 话 伤 得 好 重。。。
做 得 唔 好 就 后 患 无 穷 啦!!!
足 以 令 你 烦 恼 或 后 悔 一 生!!!
所 以 提 出 分 手 一 定 要 有 所 策 划。。。
时 间 地 点 心 情 环 境 样 样 要 有 所 安 排。。。

从 身 边 d 朋 友 经 历 话 我 知。。。
好 多 人 ( 尤 其 是 女 仔 ) 都 係 响 一 个 完 全 没 有 心 理 准 备 的 情 况 之 下 被 令 一 半 提 出 分 手。。。
意 思 积 係 话 响 对 方 未 开 口 前 你 係 完 全 唔 会 估 计 到 会 发 生 呢 d 事。。。
简 单 来 讲 你 从 来 唔 知 对 方 会 向 你 提 出 分 手!!!

比 较 经 典 的 例 子 係。。。
琴 晚 二 人 仲 好 地 地 出 街 排 拖。。。
但 今 日 就 同 你 讲 ByeBye。。。
你 话 係 咪 死 得 好 惨 ?

所 以 有 一 点 一 定 要 注 意 就 係 分 手 前 一 定 要 被 对 方 有 个 心 理 准 备!!!
当 然 心 理 准 备 唔 係 话 提 早 一 两 个 月 同 对 方 讲 话 ' 我 下 个 月 要 同 你 分 手'  呢 d 白 痴 行 为。。。
但 就 要 好 好 地 运 用 一 切 时 间 地 点 环 境 感 觉。。。
同 埋 理 由 一 定 要 够 充 足!!!
总 之 就 係 要 减 少 个 伤 害 程 度!!!

拍 拖 就 一 定 需 要 沟 通。。。
如 果 有 得 简。。。
两 个 人 坐 低 沟 通 下 比 分 手 更 加 好!!!
所 以 当 有 问 题 出 现 时,
找 个 机 会 两 个 人 好 好 针 下。。。
被 个 机 会 大 家 再 一 齐 努 力 过。。。
如 果 经 过 努 力 后 二 人 仲 好 有 问 题 先 来 讲 分 手 就 会 更 加 好!!!
至 少,
对 方 已 经 有 心 理 准 备!

至 于 分 手 后 对 方 仲 死 缠 烂 打。。。
你 只 可 以 怪 自 己 当 初 处 理 得 唔 够 好。。。
如 何 解 决 呢 个 问 题。。。
我 帮 你 唔 到。。。
唯 有 等 对 方 看 得 开。。。
慢 慢 接 受 个 事 实。。。

P:S 但 有 d 人 就 算 你 讲 得 几 明 都 唔 会 有 用,救 命!!!
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