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結果呢個post 變o左第二個吹水post……
Originally posted by 自由神 at 2006-11-4 10:31 PM:

嘩~~~~ 女仔都鐘意人讚ga la~~ 多謝你lor~
Originally posted by 自由神 at 2006-11-4 10:32 PM:

BigT will kill me
[size=-2]好啦…… 係時候要扮o下版主ge威嚴啦 ~~~其實係路人路過 je~~

各位尊貴ge 客仔~~~吹水去返LIVE CHAT la ~ 有咩你想吹隨時去LIVE CHAT任你狂吹都得

呢度係怨男怨女訴苦區 HOSTED BY teramishu

係俾d 有愛情煩惱又無處宣洩ge EF members 盡情發洩佢o地係愛情路上遇到problems/ issue ge 不滿ga (記住係盡情)~~~~

最好講ge o野都係跟返個topic lor~~~ 唔該晒~~
Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-11-7 03:56 AM:

你 仲 细。。。
所 ...

Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-11-16 04:45 AM:
之 前 响 电 台 度 听 到 ...
well done tera~~~
it's really nice if u have any opinion of any any articles ~~

this is YOUR channel and u can do and post anything about love
Originally posted by Triangel at 2006-11-18 08:35 AM:

Mr. 戀愛 Professor

You have ...
good fuXk buddy ... but bad lover girlfrd ???

but i do think actually she must understand what she's done is  really no good for the relationship between u and her, and any suggestion , i bet tera can help u with this ~~~
Originally posted by Triangel at 2006-11-18 04:11 PM:
Do you (as a female) enjoy taking over and control the relationship with the handsome guy you like.

Do you (as a female) like controlling of him by cooking nice dinner for him and etc..
Do you like to have a boyfriend that serve you like a princess.
Do you love to have a husband that listen to what you say most of the time.
The ideal world is we respect and love each other.  But
The real world is relationship is not equal given and not ever dream it is fair...
When you adding sex and $$$$ to this equation, it will even become more complex.

Don't you agree?

but a mature female will understand her dream never come true if she insists, so i guess in love relationship we have to compromise, understand and tolerate , this is the reality .

Love in reality is really really compicated , so if she is not willing to give and think of ur side , i guess it's too hard for u to carry on ... if she just think the good way IN her side...

so she is not really mature (ABOUT LOVE ) enough,  i know a lot of girls , they dont even understand what men really need and they dont understand why men dont like to be controlled .
Originally posted by teramishu at 2007-2-2 12:42 AM:
trista_cheong 版 主...
呢 个 区 隔 左 如 此 耐 都 唔 见 有 生 意...
自 问 对 你 唔 住...
不 如 就 取 消 左 呢 个 区 啦,  好 吗 ?

不過見呢度始終都係冇咩起色﹐不如咁啦﹐一係就將呢度轉一轉型﹐變o左做屬於你ge 愛情專欄~ ﹐你鐘意o係度post d 咩都得ga ﹐總之係同愛情有關ge 就okay~~ 自己create 一個屬於自己ge 小天地!

如果你已經枼埋心水ge 話﹐咁不如我就將呢度ge 置頂解除﹐改一改個名佢咁啦﹐睇o下你意願啦﹐好冇?
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