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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » Is Windows Vista Faster Than XP?
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XP is much more faster and stabler then Vista, you will have to wait for a while before using vista, the recommended requirments for me to use that silly stupid vista stable =

a graphic card with 512MB
memory... 800~1000+ghz
a cpu dual core
a ram 1gb less and recommended = 2gb
a good main board with a good chipset north bridge and the south bridge
and ofcourse a dvd rewriter, but every1 has it nowadays =x
hd doesn't really minds?

i don't really understand what u had writen, i'm chinese but... i can't read all lol cuz i live in Netherland

and u used combination of traditional and simple in a sentence >_<
ur a little wrong about the processors of  dual cores & quad cores, those processors are NOT made for letting the price rise for the hardware components & those processors NOT specially made for gamers and normal users (making word documents, chatting surfing internet etc, those processors are more made for video editing dudes etc, and some companys who will need to run about 2~6 hard softwares which will use many cpu's calculation because of those more cores, the processor doesn't need to calculate so many things if ur running like 2~6 hard softwares. Many many video editting softwares use many memory and cpu's memory.

If ur thinking to buy a quad core for playing games, then u r doing something silly.
cuz a quad core is a piece a sjit for a gamer. A dual core is alright for a gamer, but not necessery.

Also a windows vista "could" be faster then xp, because of its required enquipment, and vista is a powerful os, but if you want to have ur vista running faster then ur xp, you will have to stack alot of money on your computer just for running vista faster then xp (silly work to do this).
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » Is Windows Vista Faster Than XP?

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