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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Kings 的看法
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Kings win Dallas finally after trading, maybe that means Kings can play better with top teams like suns and sonics, Unfortunately, Kings finished all four games with spurs and two games with heat before trading, otherwise, Kings may win these two teams
I think next season will be better because the three players need to take sometime to merge into Kings, hopefully, Playoff Kings might give us some surpriese
I think eddie house is good now, so even bobby cannot play, eddie house can replace him.
I think Kings know how to play with Dallas in playoff. I remember Kings only lost to Dallas because chris webber got injuried in playoff
Peja got injuried plus brad miller and bobby jackson are not sure if they can play playoff or not, I think Kings will lose to Dallas in first round of playoff
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Kings 的看法

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