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(亨利曾一度將加盟曼聯,  £10m . 只係兩星期被巴塞新教頭哥迪奧拿拒絕
Barcelona striker Thierry Henry was set to join Manchester United for £10m until the Spanish side's new boss Pep Guardiola blocked the move two weeks ago. )

Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-5-29 11:49 AM:

另外我比較想要卡斯拿斯多D !!
巴塞後衛杜林話, 格流同些路迪都想簽佢
France and Barcelona defender Lillian Thuram says both Old Firm clubs are vying for his signature. (Daily Express)


”Spain striker David Villa has played down talk of an imminent move to the Premier League with Liverpool.

Villa is widely expected to leave current club Valencia this summer with the Reds, Chelsea and Spanish pair Real Madrid and Barcelona all believed to be interested in acquiring the services of the £25million-rated frontman.

However, Villa has denied reports that he would favour a move to Anfield where he would link up with fellow Spaniard Fernando Torres and the Reds' former Valencia coach Rafael Benitez.

Villa currently leads the race for the Golden Boot at Euro 2008 with four goals from two games and insists he remains focused on helping Spain prevail in Austria & Switzerland.

'I have heard that I am supposed to have said that I would prefer to go to Liverpool to play next season or that I want Chelsea to be my next team,' he said.

'I have not said anything like that. My club insists I am not for sale and, believe me, I am totally focused on the European Championship.

'As far as I know, nobody from Liverpool has been in touch, but in any case my future is not something I have in my mind at the moment.

'I do not understand why people put words in my mouth.'


Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2008-6-23 10:01 PM:

i read this a few days ago from...
1. 70m歐元Cash.
2. 30m歐元+羅賓奴.

Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-6-25 04:09 PM:

我已經知道, 原來係"星島日...
油王願意用 £85m 買前鋒費蘭度托利斯, 如果利物浦肯放既話
Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich would apparently pay £85m for Fernando Torres if given any encouragement by Liverpool. (Daily Star)

坦白講,費托係歐國杯表現唔係太突出,當然佢身價因西班牙攞冠軍而上升就一d都唔奇,但真係值£85m ?!?!
保頓羅致圖盧茲既瑞典前鋒艾文達, £10m
BBC -- http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/ ... nderers/7478332.stm
保頓官網 -- http://www.bwfc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/General/0,,1004~1335286,00.html

保頓羅致伯明翰中場梅安巴, £5m
BBC -- http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/ ... nderers/7457815.stm
保頓官網 -- http://www.bwfc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/General/0,,1004~1329577,00.html


keep on your busy hard work in EF Sports sections +6

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2008-7-3 at 06:52 AM ]


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » TRANSFER RUMOURS & GOSSIP

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