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卡比路話, 佢既英文正在改進中. "唯一既難題係, 唔同人用唔同口音同我講野, 令我有時覺得好難聽得明."
Capello says his English is improving. "The only difficulty is that different people in different accents talk to me and in some instances I can hardly understand a word." (Times)

There'd be absolutely truth. One of my bosses is Welsh, his voice ....... really different than Aussie people, really different than other guys...

One of my ex-teammates is Scottish... her voice... normally I needed to hear twice then I finally understand what she was talking about...
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
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Originally posted by Azuma at 2008-3-4 10:48:
hey guys
when I backed to page 47
I need to login-in  password and ID for Arsneal-XXXXX.........

Did you guys have this problem ?
I don't have this problem
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by terencey at 2008-3-10 21:33:
嘩 ...... 咁多分, 多謝晒呀!!
u should worth for these~!~!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by terencey at 2008-3-26 01:04:

如果問我既話, 我可能好唔客觀, ...
as referee's point of view
Javier is worth to send off!
Sorry Terencey
I watched that game too. Before he got sent off, he was walking to referee and "chatted" with referees more than once i.e. complaining

When you know, Torres got a yellow due to dissent, everyone should know it Steve Bennett will charge dissent if you walked to him and chatted with him.

I think Javier is absolutely stupid!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by Azuma at 2008-3-26 14:31:

By the Law of the Games, no one can argue with referee!

If someone walked to referee and "chatted" with referee, 1 result, Yellow card.

Only referee can talk to players only

So Steve Bennett did his job properly. No argue no complain, if you walk in to complain. Fine, Dissent and a yellow card.

By the FA under England, no referees could tell his view to media. That's why you can see ONLY  media, fans, coaches, managers tell how bad for the referees are. Sometimes, I believe they don't know the rules in soccer game.
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so be happy!
Originally posted by terencey at 2008-3-27 03:01:
That’s why I watched the game again. I still believe Steve Bennett did the right thing to send off Javier.
First of all, when Javier got his first yellow. Javier would like to complain about Steve’s decision. Steve warn him to give him a sign "Shhhh!" Be honest, That complaint for Javier, he could get his second yellow straightly. Steve Bennett didn’t use his right. As the first half keep running, Javier did 3 or 4 times to complain Steve’s decision. I think it’d be totally unfair for referee. Of cos, when Torres got his yellow due to dissent, that should be about the 5th time Javier would walk, 20 yards, in front of referee to "complain" Steve’s decision. If you were referee, will you ask him to cool down? Especially you gave a yellow card to another player 20 seconds ago due to dissent? There’d be smart enough for Steve and I believe Steve made the right decision to send him off. If Javier couldn’t be sending off, I think Steve Bennett will have more troubles as I don’t believe he’d be a fair referee for both sides

Steve Bennett is a strict referee. He sent off C. Ronaldo twice in his career (2 straight Red). Sir Alex Ferguson complaint about FA Steve after the game for Portsmouth vs Man Utd. Also, if you read the news before this game, you could see Sir Alex really didn’t want Steve Bennett will incharge this game due to his style.

But I believe we should have some referees like Steve Bennett nowadays! cos the referees are too soft now in England

Think about it, if Javier couldn’t have sent off. Do you think the players for next game, Chelsea vs Arsenal will listen to referee? I don’t believe so. Finally all players got wake up that they should respect the referee’s decision now.
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There’d be a painful story for every team now as they are running too far away. I believe it’d be the right time to do how to respect soccer referee
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Originally posted by haman at 2008-4-14 22:23:
賓特利究竟會去利物浦定係車仔呢? £15...
ha, I am standing in opposite way
I think Chelsea will suit him more than Liverpool....
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<-- good question.. but at least Arsenal and Chelsea are not as worst as between Arsenal, Man Utd, Newcastle

<-- I think he won't fit in Liverpool system..... cos in Liverpool, they don't use right winger, they got Steven Gerrard in attacking midfield... who do you put him??

I still think Jamie Pennant is the best right winger for Liverpool... but he doesn't have similar fitness as he was last 2 years..........

But in Chelsea, Bentley could fit in any position in midfielder, similar as Joe Cole.. can use in several lineups
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by terencey at 2008-4-15 02:36:

如果利物浦繼續打 4-3-3 既話, 恐怕賓特利唔多適合, 同埋我個人覺得 15m 太貴 ......
absolutely agree about your point of view

Cos the 4-3-3 system in Liverpool is completely different than 4-3-3 system in Chelsea
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » TRANSFER RUMOURS & GOSSIP

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