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打比郡領隊祖維爾失去左轉投哈特斯菲爾德既泰蘭特, 會再再再搵番赫捷寧斯做佢助手 (哈哈 ...... )
Derby manager Paul Jewell will appoint Chris Hutchings as his number two after losing Stan Ternent to Huddersfield. (Daily Star)

Oh my goodness.. I miss this one

I want to laugh now!~~~~
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
已揚言想贏歐聯, 但已無緣問鼎既利物浦後衛加歷查話:"我希望車仔贏, 我唔鍾意曼聯."
Staunch Liverpudlian Jamie Carragher has already declared who he wants to win the Champions League, now his Liverpool side are out of the running. "I hope Chelsea win," said the honest defender. "I don't like Manchester United." (Daily Telegraph)

Of cos, he still remember he score 2 own goals vs Man Utd in his early career... which lost 3-2 to Man Utd for that game.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
英超賽會於周日準備兩套聯賽冠軍獎牌同埋獎盃, 而晌車仔主場既係複製品 - 以確保能頒獎俾今屆既聯賽冠軍
The Premier League is printing two sets of league winners' medals and will have two trophies available for Sunday's title finale - the one at Stamford Bridge will be a replica - so they are ready to hand silverware to either Chelsea or Manchester United. (The Sun)


Nah... there'd be having similar situation in many years but you never notice about it.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
如果買唔到維拉隊長巴利, 利物浦會轉移目標至米堡翼鋒唐寧, £12m (......)
Liverpool could turn their attention to Stewart Downing if their proposed move for Aston Villa captain Gareth Barry falls through. Reds boss Rafael Benitez is prepared to pay £12m for the Middlesbrough winger. (Daily Telegraph)

Be honest, they should choose Stewart Downing, rather than Gareth Barry
I got no idea why Liverpool would buy Barry, they are stock of people already that Gareth can play.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by tonykwl at 2008-5-29 12:38:

彼德泰萊係唔係以前教過"英超時代既李斯特城"果個領隊呢 ?
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
emmm.. do you think there'd be better to put these in transfer and rumours topic???
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
I don't trust any rumours news from China

Not only soccer, but also basketball...!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
英超於下季既最年輕球證係 25 歲既 Stuart Attwell
The Premier League will have its youngest referee with 25-year-old Stuart Attwell set to take charge of games next season. (Daily Mail)

My goodness... I hope he can handle the matches really well....

you know, referee gets really high pressure to handle things on field.....

I am looking forward he'd be survived or not at the end of next season
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
原帖由 goodtime 於 2008-7-15 10:01 PM 發表
Darren Huckerby joins San Jose Earthquakes

唉... ...
He just got 1 cap in International "B" level...

I still remember his days in Coventry City....
原帖由 terencey 於 2008-7-18 02:52 AM 發表

唔好意思, 由於小弟於下周需要應付兩個重要既考試, 下周六下午就會考完, 到時我地再晌呢度見喇!  

Good luck!!!!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » TRANSFER RUMOURS & GOSSIP

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