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Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-9 19:55:

18M for Darren Bent.......OMG~~~~
it's getting crazy~~~
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-9 20:50:

我都覺得太貴喇, 不過呢類英格蘭新星通常都係偏貴D ......  
yeh....england players are normally more expensive too~~
thnx for all British media.....
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2007-6-10 21:27:

At least Tevez has proven that he suits EPL style...not like Huntelaar~~(Except Ruud, Kezman, Kuyt and Kalou scores alot in Dutch league...but they cant really having such a good scoring record in EPL....)

If they are valued as the same, man Utd should take Tevez~
Originally posted by iknow at 2007-6-11 17:46:
only 12M budget for a forward...who can man Utd sign ....
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-13 16:47:
戴倫賓特將加盟韋斯咸, £18m , 周薪£80,000
Charlton striker Darren Bent will join West Ham for £18m in a deal that will net the 23-year-old £80,000 a week. (Daily Star)

迪維斯究竟會去邊, 下周會有分曉, 曼聯同國米好想簽到佢
West Ham's Argentine forward Carlos Tevez will resolve his future in the next week, with Manchester United and Inter Milan both keen to sign him. (The Times)
18M and 80,000 GBP per wk.....

and that means Tevez is likely to leave.....possibly to Inter....Man Utd has no $$ to sign Tevez....West ham is asking 40M....
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-13 17:50:

18M and 80,000 GBP per wk for D...
but Saha is injuried AGAIN(latest from planetfootball)...not able to play untill November...Maybe Man Utd may try to sign him now~~

exactly...no wonder Frank lampard is asking around 130,000 GBP per wk wages~
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-13 18:02:

I also think MU will sign a str...
Lampard is likely to stay with Chelsea...this is his last chance to demand a extremely high wage contract~(he's 28 now)

Huntelaar is good...just hope Ajax can let him go~~~
but I hope man Utd can sign either Michael Owen and/or Saviola~~
Originally posted by Duffy at 2007-6-13 18:23:

Never think of taking any advantages from Newcastles ~~~ >.<"""

..but the chairman, Sherperd doesnt think so~~~
Originally posted by Duffy at 2007-6-13 18:36:

oh...damn it...as Sherperd hates Owen so much~~

maybe Man Utd can activiate the 9M release clause in Owen contract~~
WHEN Owen agrees to leave Newcastle~~

we'll see what will happen in this summer~~

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-6-13 at 06:57 PM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » TRANSFER RUMOURS & GOSSIP

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