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Newcastle striker Michael Owen is close to playing his first game of the season. (The Sun)

Former England boss Sven-Goran Eriksson has been linked with replacing Glenn Roeder as manager of Newcastle. (Times)
否則路達將可能響來屆先會起用 Owen.....以令佢有更充分既休息~~~

將「桑拿士班底」轉為「路達班底」.....(我覺得可能會賣 Bramble,Luque 呢D)
故炒路達唔合理 ~~~

[ Last edited by Edgar Davids on 2007-4-13 at 06:54 PM ]
舒夫真高話想摩連奴留隊, 雖然摩連奴當球員好似機械人咁
Chelsea striker Andriy Shevchenko wants Jose Mourinho to stay at the club even though he treats his players like robots. (Daily Express)

Originally posted by terencey at 16-4-2007 22:37:

話時話, 紐卡素可能係衰主席 .......
何解 ???
Originally posted by iknow at 18-4-2007 20:46:


[ Last edited by Edgar Davids on 2007-4-19 at 05:10 PM ]
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 18-4-2007 21:31:

Italian players are unlikely to play overseas unless the whole dislike him....Like Zola, after Euro 96~~
Montella in Fulham plays well ~~~
外借去馬賽既施斯話, 今夏將重返利物浦
Liverpool striker Djibril Cisse - on loan at Marseille - claims he will be sent back to Anfield in the summer. (Daily Mirror)

佢想頂科拿個位 ?????
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 22-4-2007 10:33:

poor Cisse...another bench warmer in liverpool~~Benitiez is not a huge fan of you~~
probably Benitiez would prefer Fowler rather than Cisse...
Both of them are not favours of Benitez.......
He'd rather buy Villa,Torres and so on Spanish players ~~~
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 22-4-2007 11:15:

he's like Wenger, but Spanish version..haha...prefer players from his country~~
obviously, Wenger has now turned to teen players and African players~~maybe the salary is lower~~
Have you ever heard that "同姓三分親" ???
How come coach won't be favour in players with same nationalities ???
Also Jose Mourinho loves Portuese players,even Calvalho always be critized by public ~

African players are not primarily only in Arsenal...but also in most of the Premier League teams.....(except Sheff and MU ~)
They are not only cheap,but also take advantagge in stamina,balancing and speed....
So EPL actually is "custom-making" for African players~
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 22-4-2007 13:35:

I'm surprised if a coach prefer nationality rather than ability..

you're right...looks like most of the EPL managers have discovered how good the African players are.....
Actually rare coach in EPL isn't that........
Besides Jose,see Benitez on Reina at the beginning of the league......

Except Ferguson........he seems not favour in Africans ~~~
Originally posted by terencey at 22-4-2007 14:06:

佢晌馬賽表現唔好, 14場先入得4球, 仲要搞到俾fans喝倒采, 所以馬賽唔多想買斷佢囉 ......
Originally posted by terencey at 22-4-2007 14:07:

Cisse may force to return to Liverpool as Marseille is not happy with his performance
Maybe Liverpool will sell him to other teams after he gets back to England........
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