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Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-5 10:04:

yes, Radzinski was released, an...
icic...Radzinski was released~~~so only John and Mcbride??

I am too worry about Bullard...as he was standing right at the middle in Fulahm's new shirt conference last week...Most likely he will be the starter next season...but he may have to make a new partnership with other teamates~~

btw, any news from Liverpool?? I just knew Gerrard and Carragher have signed a new deal till 2012...any transfer rumour??
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-6 15:10:

Liverpool is linking with Lyon'...
sorry for Alves Daniel...Chelsea and Real madrid have just jumped into this transaction....Looks like Liverpool have to pay more $$ for his service~~

I'm a bit surprised with the Malouda bid....left winger again??
that's insane~~Liverpool have 5 left wingers already...you can say Zenden and Mark are leaving, but Garcia, Kewell and Riise can play as left winger....
why dont they try to sign a right winger...!~~??
Like Barca's Giuly or Roma's Mancini or even Rover's Bentley~~

Eto'o bid is understandable....but around 35M -40M...
isnt is too expensive??

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-6-6 at 03:26 PM ]
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-6 16:22:

I really hope Liverpool can sig...
It makes perfect sense now..Rafa is going to offload Kewell~~

Fowler, Hyypia, Kewell, Mark Gonzalous, Dudek, Zenden....except Fowler and Dudek, they still have great ability to play in Premiership for at least one or two season~~what a waste~~
'澳洲大水牛"維度卡以自由身轉會紐卡素, 雙方簽約兩年


Owen+ Martins+ Viduka.....
it's like Quinn and Philips in Sunderland~~~
funny combination~~
傳打比郡打劫葉士域治得到 "禁區之狐" 謝菲斯, 因為佢地出到£1.5m, 符合布力般既要求
Derby may hijack Ipswich's bid to land Blackburn striker Francis Jeffers because they are prepared to meet the £1.5m asking price. (Daily Mirror)

OH....he is still with Blackburn!!
this guy is a good striker...wish Derby can take him out of the hell~~
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-8 15:35:
Wigan boss Chris Hutchings wants to bring goalkeeper Roy Carroll back to the JJB Stadium. (The Sun)

車仔將損壞咗嘅足總盃送去足總揾工匠修理. 事緣車仔贏左足總盃冠軍後進行慶祝時, 應該係米基爾打爛咗隻盃
Chelsea have had to send the FA Cup back to the Football Association for a silversmith to repair it after a player - thought to be Jon Obi Mikel - dropped it while celebrating the Blues victory over Manchester United in May. (Various)
Carroll + Bramble~~有求必應

OMG>>>..how did Mikel break the FA CUP..!!????

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-6-8 at 03:49 PM ]

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-6-8 at 03:48 PM ]
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-8 15:53:

韋根睇黎來季都係 ......

yes..Mikel should pay for it~~

btw, Robben and Geremi may leave~~ with makalele and Boulahrous...
are they sure they wont get any injuries~~!!??

and it's a bit surprised for me today....Liverpool is trying to sign Henry~~~
how did it go??any news~~~??

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-6-8 at 04:04 PM ]
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2007-6-8 16:24:

Where are you know that from ?
Liverpool has too many leading players.......
i just read this from newspaper...and terency has pointed out...this rumour is from betting company~~the odds suddenly dropped from 1:11 to 1:3
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-6-8 16:37:

maybe Cheski is trying to sign ...
yeh..not just Henry, but Wenger, Silva and Frabregas are also unsettled after Dein's departure~~

after his adventure in Juventus, Henry probably doesnt wanna go to Italy anymore~~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » TRANSFER RUMOURS & GOSSIP

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