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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 香港隊的足球員... 對得起香港人嗎?
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香港邊有放水, 唔通你覺得香港同中國實力真係只係一兩球上落咁近. 7:0 好合理. 如果香港對南韓, 輸多兩三球唔出奇.

香港人亦無需覺得丟臉, 一個國家同一個城市踢, 本來應該就係有好大距離. 試下中國對汕頭, 中國對重慶, 可能結果都係咁上下.
"Asshole" is slang for the anus and can be used to describe an unpleasant person. It is formed from arse, which according to the Oxford English Dictionary has been used since the 11th century to refer to the rump of an animal and since the 14th century to refer to a person's buttocks.
[quotefrom="aiqidejiao"][quote][quotefrom="asshole"]香港邊有放水, 唔通你覺得香港同中國實力真係只係一兩球上落咁近. 7:0 好合理. 如果香港對南韓, 輸多兩三球唔出奇.

香港人亦無需覺得丟臉, 一個國家同一個城市踢, 本來應該就係有好大距離. 試下中國對汕頭, 中國對重慶, 可能結果都係咁上下.

如果巴西用盡全力, 數香港 12:0 點解無可能?????

皇馬係球會, 我講緊係地方足球隊. 如果汕頭重慶可以好似皇馬咁出天價買晒d天皇巨星仲要佢地入中國籍, 咁真係可以攪掂國足架.

仲有, 一場 1:0, 一場 7:0, 就係假波, 咁世界上好多好多假波, 英超都好多假波.

"Asshole" is slang for the anus and can be used to describe an unpleasant person. It is formed from arse, which according to the Oxford English Dictionary has been used since the 11th century to refer to the rump of an animal and since the 14th century to refer to a person's buttocks.
真又好假又好, 要怪只可以怪國足無能, 無理由怪香港放水 (或者放唔夠水)
"Asshole" is slang for the anus and can be used to describe an unpleasant person. It is formed from arse, which according to the Oxford English Dictionary has been used since the 11th century to refer to the rump of an animal and since the 14th century to refer to a person's buttocks.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 香港隊的足球員... 對得起香港人嗎?

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