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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » 請為男高音巴伐洛堤獻上一份祝福......
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相信大家都有聽過 "巴伐洛堤" 的名字, 甚至欣賞過其歌藝的了.......
沒錯, 巴伐洛堤 (Luciano Pavarotti) 是世界三大男高音之一, 其對音樂之貢獻之多非一般歌手所能比擬......

可惜他在2006年7月被診斷出患胰腺癌, 雖然已立即接受開刀除去腫瘤, 但最近仍是病發了........
據 BBC 引述意大利 AGI news agency 最新消息指......71歲的巴伐洛堤胰腺癌病發, 且病情惡化, 正在極差的狀態............

希望各位能在關心其他歌手之餘, 也能給予這位 "歌劇巨星" 一份祝福,
希望他會旱日痊癒, 能再為世人獻技吧..................


Opera legend Pavarotti 'worsens'


Opera star Luciano Pavarotti's health has worsened and he is in a "very serious" condition, Italian media say.
Pavarotti, 71, has been suffering from pancreatic cancer and was released from hospital on 25 August after a series of tests were carried out.

He is now being treated at home in the northern city of Modena surrounded by family and friends.

Pavarotti had surgery for the cancer in July 2006 in New York and has not made any public appearances since then.


This week it was announced Pavarotti was to receive a prize from the Italian government for his work promoting the country's culture.

He is the first person to receive the award.

"This prize fills me with joy and pride," Italy's Ansa news agency had quoted Pavarotti as saying.

He had been admitted to hospital in Modena on 8 August with a fever. He was released two weeks later after diagnostic tests.

Despite hopes that he would be able to resume his farewell tour this year, his health has not allowed him to return to the stage.

The BBC's David Willey in Rome says the singer developed respiratory problems during the summer while on holiday at his villa on the Adriatic coast.

The tenor has undergone five bouts of chemotherapy since his cancer surgery last year, says our correspondent.

Pavarotti last sang in public in Italy at the beginning of 2006, when he performed his signature Puccini aria Nessun Dorma at the opening of the Winter Olympics in Turin.

All the best wishes to Pavarotti~~~~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » 請為男高音巴伐洛堤獻上一份祝福......

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