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終極耳機 Westone

Westone公司是一家專業研發耳用設備的廠商,Westone 擁有超過30年的聲學設備研究經驗,一向在專業領域應用廣泛,直至近年才推廣至民用市場,一般音樂愛好者終於可以以大眾化的價錢嘗試Westone 耳筒的音質及廣濶音場。Westone 擁有全球第一創造的最先進的2路分音及3路分音技術。與一般動圈式耳筒不同,壓電式發聲單元能夠做的極小,因此可以將2個甚至3個發聲單元放入每邊聲道內,分別負責高低音及音場處理,音效能與高級喇叭系統相媲美。另外Westone 耳筒的隔音能力亦超乎想像,高達25db,在任何嘈雜環境都可以靜心聆聽音樂,所需音量只及普通耳筒的一半,無須將音量調高至損害聽覺的危險水平以覆蓋外界噪音, 最大限度減低耳朵的負荷 。到現在大多牌子已遷往中國制造但 Westone 仍然保持最高品質堅持 ( 美國製造 )。

UM1 True-Fit Single-Driver Earphones  Built to the same exacting standards as the UM2, the UM1 is a single balanced armature driver universal-fit earphone offering excellent sound at an entry-level price. With comfortable Comply™ tips, the UM1 provides hours of fatigue free listening with up to 25 dB of ambient noise reduction. The UM1 is the perfect entry-level earpiece for performing and personal listening. Equipped with a durable 50" stereo "Y" cord and a 3.5mm stereo jack, the UM1 is also perfect for personal audio devices such as MP3s, CD players, and laptop computers.
The UM1 is simply the best value single driver monitor on the market.
Available in clear.

UM1 Specifications Sensitivity: 114dB/mW
Frequency response: 40 Hz -16 kHz
Impedance: 25 ohms
Driver: Balanced armature
Features: Soft padded pouch, replaceable Comply ™ foam tips, and wax loop for cleaning.
( Made in USA )

UM2 True-Fit Dual-Driver Earphones
Built to the highest professional standards, the dual balanced armature driver UM2 provides amazing low frequency response and rich articulate mids and highs. Using the same technology as our custom ES2, the UM2 is the earpiece of choice for music lovers desiring high-end Westone sound quality at an affordable price. The comfortable Comply™ foam tips allow for extended use without fatigue. Providing up to 25 dB of ambient noise reduction, the UM2 is the perfect choice for on-stage performing or for personal listening. Equipped with a durable 50" stereo "Y" cord and a 3.5mm stereo jack, the UM1 is also perfect for personal audio devices such as MP3s, CD players, and laptop computers.
The UM2 Universal Monitor is the most affordable dual driver earphone on the market. Available in clear or black.

UM2 Specifications
Sensitivity: 119 dB/mW
Frequency response: 20 Hz -18 kHz
Impedance: 27 ohms
Driver: Dual balanced armature drivers with a passive crossover
Features: Soft padded pouch, replaceable Comply ™ foam tips, and wax loop for cleaning.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » 終極耳機 Westone

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