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Yahoo NBA Fantasy League '07-08

League ID#: 78259
League Name: Rising Star League
Password: (secret)
Draft Type: Live Draft  
Draft Time: Thu Oct 18 10:30pm CST

Max Teams: 12
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head  
Max Moves: No maximum  
Max Trades: No maximum  
Trade Reject Time: 1  
Trade End Date: March 6, 2008  
Waiver Time: 1 day  
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports  
Trade Review: League Votes  
Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules  
Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow  
Start Scoring on: Week 1  
Roster Positions: PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN  
Stat Categories: FG%, FT%, 3PTM, PTS, REB, AST, ST, BLK, TO

P.S. the champion and the first runner-up can challenge the EF League One next season
Originally posted by chanares at 2007-10-10 02:24 PM:
How to register to play in the league?
did u play nba league before?
will u play till the end of the season?
we dun want ppl leave the league if failed to achieve their goal

if u hv heart, juz leave a msg at [email protected]
Originally posted by Rated-R at 2007-10-10 02:21 PM:

那le 1的人便不可參與,因為是升降制,所以le1也要有炮灰
le1 ppl o既參與可以保證倒 le2 o既活躍度, 好緊要架
上年le2 ksupjai 同 feeon 都玩得好好 (雖然前者因為太勁而讓賽), 但升/降制會有多d motivation令兩個league o既人都俾心機
我仲記得上年幫5個植物人set陣, 搞搞下我玩到得第8
Originally posted by Rated-R at 2007-10-10 02:34 PM:

le 1唔降人怎維持le 1人數???你要公佈新的規則
如果le2頭兩名仲想玩o既話, le1尾兩名就要被取代

如果le2頭兩名係le1 o既人, 可以選擇將優先權俾第3,4名o既人(e.g. they juz lose coz unlucky, but with heart to play), 又或者唔選擇升/降

簡單d黎講(一早應該啦), le2頭兩名有絕對決定權取代le1尾兩名

[ Last edited by 艾力克 on 2007-10-10 at 02:42 PM ]
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2007-10-10 02:41 PM:

le 1 can still play in le 2... but the biggest problem is for example, if I played both leagues and I come :

le 1 - last ...
le 2 - champion...

do I move up or down ?
基本上我排除左依個可能, 因為我覺得冇乜可能
le1 做得last, "實力"都應該有番咁上下, 點會咁易o係le2打敗le1參賽者做champion
Originally posted by feeon at 2007-10-12 02:13 PM:

I prefer the one from regular season....
i prefer the last two of regular season also

new player "Castle Peak Bulbs" said that he is not available on that night, so let's wait for his suggestion to hv the same view

in fact, i can barely on time at that time too

may i know who "Tribble Double" is? (triple)
coz i dun want 植物人 here

[ Last edited by 艾力克 on 2007-10-12 at 10:53 PM ]
Originally posted by anfman at 2007-10-13 06:49 PM:
i am the manager of "Castle Peak Bulbs"
nice to meet you all
since i am n/a on 18/10
i suggest the draft day to be 20/10 or 21/10
welcome anfman~~
is "Tribble Double" ur fd?
coz ur other league is opened with ur fd, so i guess..

as the league will be drafted on 21/10 10:00
so let's start this league on 20/10 10:00 or 10:15,30,45..11:00 depends on when u guys r free
all time slots r available for me
to "Tribble Double":
would u tell us who u r?
coz we dun want inactive players in the league
no need to be active in chatting, juz active to play is enough

to "The Premiere":
as u r not in hk, would u tell me when would u prefer?
is it the earlier the better?
if the draft time changes to 20/10 9pm, anyone oppose or agree?

juz want to make sure everyone knows the draft time and available to come
Originally posted by feeon at 2007-10-14 10:39 PM:
i dun know, maybe juz cut it
coz it would be better to hv at least 8 players
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