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Originally posted by HansChan at 2007-11-22 10:08 AM:

你指出左問題, 但看不到精結所在,
球員發揮得唔好, 無士氣無戰術, 球員當然有責任,
但我睇唔到麥生做過d咩去fix個問題, 如果球隊打得唔好,
領隊唔係第一負責人既, 呢d唔係現代足球...
即係好簡單一句, 球友會生生性性自己場場贏既, 我請你番黎做咩?

你可以表達你既意見, 我也可以...

層次沒有高低之分, 但好明顯我層次同你唔同,
根本無咩好研究, 講得多都無用, 反正你都唔會明
Originally posted by 巨根 at 2007-11-22 10:20 AM:

其實要追究既, 不如追究當初邊幾條友in佢既,

只要呢班人仲係用呢種思維去搵領隊, 一個麥卡倫走了..

太傷心啦, 英格蘭出左局!
太過份啦, 之前諗住以色列
幫他一把, 點知麥生自己係咪
都好想走, 最後一場都要輸比
克記, 你要走咪自己辭職囉.
老麥唔辭職都岩既, 而家得隊伯明翰有空缺, 打死都等有高薪厚職先走啦~!
Originally posted by wcchan886 at 2007-11-22 06:28 AM:
今場卡臣都真係 ...........
Originally posted by bennyhyc at 2007-11-22 08:26:
England out 未必唔係好事。 起馬英足總可以省點解過去10多年都做唔到好成果。
Originally posted by wcchan886 at 2007-11-22 06:28 AM:
可能真係炒佢了 ......

BBC -- http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/ ... tionals/7100393.stm

England axe hangs over McClaren

England manager Steve McClaren is expected to be sacked at an emergency Football Association board meeting on Thursday at 0830 GMT.

After his side failed to qualify for Euro 2008, McClaren insisted he would not resign as England coach.

"I'm not stepping down," McClaren told BBC Sport after England, who needed a draw to qualify, lost 3-2 to Croatia.

"I take responsiblity - it was my job to get us qualified and I failed to do it. I'm not filter-004ing my future."

But BBC football correspondent Jonathan Legard said: "Steve McClaren is a dead man waking.

"He knows exactly what's in store for him at the emergency FA board meeting and when they tell him it's over they can use his own words: 'There can be no excuses. You get what you deserve', as he said on Tuesday.

"England are out of Euro 2008 and Steve McClaren will be out of a job."

McClaren was scheduled to go to South Africa on Friday for Sunday's World Cup draw on Sunday, but it is expected he will not now travel.

McClaren's dismissal will come after one of the worst England performances in years, described by BBC pundit Alan Hansen as "a real low point in English football history - they were abysmal, truly abysmal".

McClaren's bold decision to drop goalkeeper Paul Robinson for Scott Carson, who was making his first competitive start for England backfired terribly when the Aston Villa goalkeeper fumbled Niko Kranjcar's shot to gift Croatia an early lead.

And England were 2-0 down after just 14 minutes when Eduardo Silva capitalised on some ponderous defending to put Ivica Olic through for another.

David Beckham, who started on the bench following a second bold selection decision, came on as a substitute at the start of the second half, and England clawed themselves back into the game.

Frank Lampard's penalty and Peter Crouch's superb volley hauled England level, but Mladen Petric's raking shot gave Croatia the win.

"We feel exactly the same as the fans, believe you me, we know how they are feeling," said McClaren.

"I' m not looking to the future, I'm thinking about this game, what could have been, what wasn't, and really how we get over this."

A visibly shaken McClaren added: "We thought we were ready and thought we were prepared.

"We had a bad start and we then we got ourselves back into it but Croatia always looked like scoring.

"To concede three goals at Wembley, I would have doubted that very much before the game."

Chelsea defender John Terry, who was appointed England captain when McClaren succeeded Sven-Goran Eriksson but missed Wednesday's defeat due to injury, quickly lept to the former Middlesbrough manager's defence.

"There is full support for Steve McClaren," said Terry.

"It's been great working with him. We have thoroughly enjoyed it really enjoyed it and we take collective responsibility.

"It's not just Steve, it's the players. We are the ones going out there performing and not getting the right results.

"It's not just up to Steve to take it all on his shoulders, as an England team we all take the big responsibility."

[ Last edited by terencey on 2007-11-22 at 03:13 PM ]


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