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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » 37寸全高清選擇
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it really depends on your preference and the type of media u frequently would watch
eg. u usually watch TV only, hence u would have a higher expectation of clear facial structure; or u usually use the TV for movies on DVDs or BDs and rather prefer higher resolution on graphical effects
each brand or model has a specific characteristic, some have better performance when it's on dark environments
therefore, to be honest, u shouldn't judge based on what magz says because they are not neutral at all (u think of the reason yourself), secondly, u should also treat what others say as a reference instead of believing it right away because everyone has their own preferences and they might not b neutral most of the time
i suggest u stepping into the showroom yourself and observer the difference of the different models while playing with real humans and also CG graphics to find the one u like
here's my finding, u might take it as a reference, Sharp has a better performance on real humans (but not everyone thinks the same because many ppl think Sony is better but that's due to they r fans of Sony, me either, but i think both has its own adv. on this one), Sony is all-rounded, Samsung is gd at showing dark environment, Phillips is nice for decorating the living room as it plays colors on its border, LG's Scarlett is cool, Toshiba is always the most price competitive one, Panasonic is always the best TV manufacturer in history but they r only successful on Plasma instead of LCD TV
for me, i always go for the brand that is expertise of that particular technology
well....Sharp is the most successful one on LCD TV for many years, the title of top seller couldn't be fake for all these years without a reason
finally, i still believe Sony Bravia would be the best choice for most of the people because i think it's really all rounded, so it must b a safe choice if u dont have a specific preference
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » 37寸全高清選擇

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