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大家唔好嘈落去吧, 冷靜一點
1. 如果利記出局, 輸俾walcott果球波我都心服口服
2. 球證都好難做, 成日都話球證收黑錢, 真係無人會夠薑做球證
3. 兩隊後防都麻麻, (但阿仙奴senderos就真係超唔掂)
兩隊邊隊進級都好, 應該四強止步
其實filter-052fans 兄...有無睇曬整場波?
開頭...利記係踢442  而阿記係踢451
開頭15分鐘左右阿記係踢得好好...利記既442 中場係唔夠阿記來ga...
之後利記轉433 先羅返攻勢...追成平手...
之後就一路比較悶...到f9 一球2比1
如果依ga 既比賽有慢鏡幫助去判...真係一個非常公平既比賽下...
講返轉頭...點解依ga 既比賽唔攪lee d 野幫助球證...?
唔夠科技咩? 點解唔攪...大家成年人自己諗...
我可以大聲講...大家有生之年都唔會有lee d 野...
都重有誤判...大家唔覺得奇怪...重要覺得係事實係會咁ga 啦...

小弟睇波由198幾年已經開始睇...越睇越覺得依ga 既足球


Luck is very important in football... it proves it once again...

Although I said this every year, next year Arsenal will become stronger! Support U!!!
利物浦真係幾好彩. 頭10幾分鐘打得好差, 經常交失波, 點知冇耐就法明尼傷出. 之後利物浦就搶番唔少攻勢.
我唔係阿仙奴球迷, 不過我客觀地覺得阿仙奴好多時都輸打贏要, 六君子事件以來都未有佳作
球證係人, 誤判一定有, 但有時益左阿仙奴又有冇人提過呢? 有冇人夠膽講阿仙奴成季未射過十二碼? 有冇人夠膽講阿仙奴d 對手未試過俾人吹罰?
好心大家睇波最好恃平d la
自從阿仙奴抽中對英超球隊, 我已經估到佢運氣已過

[ Last edited by bigfish on 2008-4-10 at 01:34 AM ]
What I can say is..football match is like this, I really dun think all the responsibility should be hel to the referee. I admit that Arsenal played well and entertaining in this season. But honestly, this consequence is quite predictable. Arsenal has its own problems and the most serious one is that THEY DONT HAVE ENOUGH REPLACEMENT PLAYERS. That point is more and more explicit towards the end of the season when there are more and more critical matches. You see Febegas and Helb, they are involved in the last 20 match non-stop in the starting lineup, the situation is somehow similar to last year Man Utd. They are rootly too tired.

  It is unresonable to say it is a match-fixing incident becoz arsenal has not awarded a penalty and conceded one. This happens all around. You can blame FIFA, you even can blame blatter. If you ask me, I think both penalty are a 50/50 decision, you can say Arsenal lack of luck, but if they perform like how they do in the peak condition, luck would not make them lose.

  One thing more unacceptable, I am a Man Utd fans, and Please Dont say Man Utd are lucky, before last year when we hvn't get back the league champion, we are always "lack of luck". You say Wenger do a lot in the back scene, then Fergie hvn't do anything? Man Utd depends on LUCK to build up a new team and challenge the UCL champ? LUCK always belongs to strong ppl, becuase when strong people face failure,, they wont yell to the god that they dun hv luck, We dun hv luck when we are facing Portsmouth in the FA Cup, and THIS SINGLE MATCH BROKE OUR DREAM TO BE TREBLE AGAIN, then what? what we have done? We open a topic here to yell we are unlucky? or we blame the referee that y there are no penalty when Dustin knock C.Ronaldo?

  What we did is just encorage the team to carry on? Because we are really their supporters, we experienced their pitfalls.

  I admire Wenger, I admire the whole Arsenal team, I understand the bitter taste of losing, but just be more analytical, you will find the real reason behinh y arsenal are out
Arsenal 1 - 1 Liverpool
Hleb weaved into the box, before he clearly had his shirt tugged back by Kuyt. However, referee Pieter Vink was unconvinced and signalled instead only for a corner.

Arsenal 2 - 4 Liverpool
Babel surged into the box and was brought down by Kolo Toure, for what looked a soft penalty.
Swedish referee Peter Frojdfeldt pointed to the spot, and with the Kop in hushed agony, Gerrard drove the penalty high into the net.
I would say arsenal has been pure unlucky the last few weeks due to poor refereeing and linesman decisions. At Birmingham,2 decisions , and 2 goals.  At Chelsea - controversial offside for 2 players + drogba. At Aston Villa, Adebayor's goal flagged offside when onside,which may have some impact on the game. Then at Liverpool - three games - two on penalties at home not given,and the one less obvious one given against arsenal. These would have affected them terribly, especially considering the importance of the games at this crucial times.

but of course, luck aside, arsenal's weakness has been the lack of depth considering the injuries to the team for the season - Van Persie, Denilson, Eduardo, Diaby and Rosicky injured for much of the season and having defensive gaps, and most importantly, their mental aspect of the game, especially the negative comments by gallas (he's the captain for god's sake) + other players. they need to learn to keep their heads cool in times like this especially and learn to have some team spirit .
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 阿仙奴又俾球證玩死!

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