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My comments:
Not hand ball for Adebayor.
There should be penalty for Man Utd.
100% sure.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by woooot at 2008-4-14 10:49 AM:

其實果兩球波都無吹錯, 理由好簡單, 你睇在場球友都無人投訴....

傳聞阿仙奴入第一球, 係有人嗌keeper, 攪到曼聯後防誤會...

至於曼聯第一球12碼, 更加明顯係發波瘟之作....

here's the video about interview and post match analysis after Man Utd VS Arsenal...
by Lee Dixon, and Alan Hansen..

they did make some pin-point comments about current Arsenal crisis...it's worth of watching it~~
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2008-4-14 17:10:
I will watch it later on tonight

really big file!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-14 14:06:

be honest, I think there'd be excuse for rumours.......

I watched that game too... cos if there'd be similar situation as that Man Utd's player describing about it. The reaction for Man Utd players won't be liking this when they lost that goal -- they should blame each others.. indeed they just knock down their heads and walked away ....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!


我只係想係lee 個post 講多一句...球證既誤判係可以直接影響個賽果...

有咩問題...我都唔知點解更有d 人出來扮公正...
叫人唔好賴lee 樣果個樣...輸就輸...





“THE foreign secretary, David Miliband, has put a highly undiplomatic boot into overseas football players after seeing his favourite team crash out of the Champions League last week.

After Liverpool beat Arsenal 4-2, Miliband let rip on his blog on the Foreign Office’s official website.

He lambasted the “dodgy” Swedish referee; accused a Dutch player of falling over “rather too easily”; and complained that Philippe Senderos, a Swiss defender for Arsenal, “left half of north London cursing that he was ever let into the country”.  ”

Originally posted by kaing at 2008-4-14 21:14:
Actually I don't want to reply this topic, cos I would like to let others to share their feelings, but not me...

But up to now, I believe I should step up to say something.

Some board members in here that they may know 1 of my career is: soccer referee, who got FIFA referee license and I am refereeing local league in Sydney, Australia.

I look at both incidents for Champions League and the penalty that Man Utd was given.

This is my comment, from a referee point of view

Arsenal vs Liverpool -- that referee failed to give the penalty -- I mean, even as referee, I think there'd be unforgivable mistakes. He saw that action completely and he'd be failed to make the penalty

Liverpool vs Arsenal -- the referee was not in the best position -- as referee should be normally running left side of the ball within 10-15 yards -- he didn't so he couldn't see the whole incident clearly. I would say there'd be marginal penalty -- of cos when we watched from TV angle, there would be no penalty and you can say you should caution Ryan Babel -- as he was diving  in that incident. But if referee was standing in that position and needed to make that decision with 1 second. I am surprising for his decision.

Man Utd vs Arsenal -- there should be penalty, 100%, because when you looked back that incident -- Gallas was raising up his hand to touch the ball -- no matter he was moving to the  front or to the back. Referee thought he got intention to move his arm to touch the ball, there should be penalty.

William Gallas didn't caution for that incident is because referee knew he broke the Law of the Game, but not "seriously" using his arm to touch the ball. He got his yellow is due to he'd be challenging the decision from referee.

I hope what I say, can make you clear for these incident
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2008-4-15 10:39 AM:

Actually I don't want to r...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 阿仙奴又俾球證玩死!

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